Why you should avoid reverse osmosis systems, and what alternatives should be considered

It would be nice if we have a wide range, never stops drinking water. Unfortunately this is not the case, increase, in particular, with a growing world population.

Increasingly, water filtration methods are increasingly being used to filter water for the masses. Reverse osmosis is one of these technologies, but their effectiveness is questionable people. Used in water purification, reverse osmosis systems have their own way of consumer market in the last twenty years.

How does it know to the contrary, the process of osmosis, we all learned in school. In osmosis, which is less concentrated natural liquid membrane is pulled by a semi-permeable liquid concentrate. This process continues until both sides have equal concentrations. In reverse osmosis, the pressure is to force the water through small pores in extreme water> Filter to get clean drinking water. Home filtering systems often use water to produce 1 gallon liter four vice versa - osmosis filtered drinking water.

As you can see, the reverse osmosis systems consume a large amount of water. They also consume time. It can take up to 3 hours for a gallon of filtered water produced. It also filters out many of the essential nutrients through the human body requires water consumption;demineralized water at acidic pH. reverse osmosis water filtration De frequently today in the municipality, but the effectiveness of the use of reverse osmosis systems is used even more questionable.

While each water filtration is better than nothing, reverse osmosis was invented in 1970, in which the pure for industrial use, not to produce high quality drinking water. An adapter can be desalinize for water. Otherwise, theThe technology does not fulfill its promise for housing.

The multi-filter systems are most effective when it comes to water filtration. These systems have two layers - one for filtering out harmful chemicals like chlorine and pesticides, the other to restore the pH balance back into the water so that the natural taste of water. These systems, moreover, a balance of minerals in water can be an ion exchange system. These systems use carbon filtersRemove pollutants such as chlorine.

It 's interesting to note that the carbon filter systems that are found in almost every aquarium, chlorine is found in ordinary tap water toxic to fish. Of course, the amount of chlorine normal tap water is too small to be toxic to humans. But it can cause minor problems such as dry skin (eg, in a pool for a long time), aging and diseases that could soon lead to bigger thingsOvertime.

Therefore, a reverse osmosis system, you have an expensive inefficient, difficult to maintain that precious and essential nutrients for human body allow removed, and the chemicals such as chlorine and pesticides harmful to pass. Reverse osmosis systems tend molecules serious block (ie a larger molecular structure) and water, and leave it all happen. Simply it is a less efficient, outdatedSystem, and was never intended for private use.

The multi-filter systems are the best artists in general. Dollar for dollar, the cheapest bottled water (and safer, as well as the bottled water industry is not as regulated as are the domestic water filter systems in the United States and in many other countries ). Best of all, these systems often use dual carbon filters that are more effective blocking of contaminants in our drinking water, chlorine, or even ifPesticides and medicines.

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