7 reasons to say no to reverse osmosis water units

Planning a water purifier for home purchase? If you're confused, go to water? Read on for the list of options-delete at least one of the - reverse osmosis units.

(I) The most important reason to say no to RO units is that they are able to filter some drugs and pesticides, which are smaller molecular size. Because of the small size, simply through the porous membrane of a Pass RO Filter. The filtered water is not 100% pure.

(Ii) these units ro clean water essential minerals. These minerals are rich in natural and drinking water to them is the best way to ensure regular intake of these minerals. Calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron - all these minerals are necessary for maintaining the overall health of the body. The consumption of water is devoid of these minerals, resulting in defects and health problems.

(Iii) this> Reverse osmosis systems waste a lot of water. large amount of water consumed, produces a less filtered. The proportion of water that is in the process that generates is wasted is about 3:1. This means to produce 1 liter of filtered water to 3 liters of water are wasted in fact.

(Iv) the RO units are at least adaptable. You need a special socket in the vicinity of the basin will be installed. Unlike other detergentsavailable in a setup-the counter-counter-over is not much customization with RO units.

(V) is an additional charge of disinfection of the device. Virtually all chlorine disinfectants are expensive. With chlorine is not recommended because of its ability to react with organic impurities and produce toxic byproducts.

(Vi) Reverse osmosis is a slow process. Makes the reverse osmosis units, extremely slow and time. Consume

(Vii) These devices are very expensive compared to other water filters on the market. They also consume much energy and are expensive to maintain.

Due to the reasons mentioned above osmosis-unit "is, conversely, a strict" no use. Why pay more if you can get something even more effective at a reasonable price?

The best alternative to these devices are multi-stage water filter. These cleaners aremore effective in removing pollutants, including drugs that leave a RO-unit separate from the water. These cleaners do not remove essential minerals from the water. They are easy to maintain and come with affordable refills.

Instead of wasting time and money for the reverse osmosis unit, find a better solution. I bet you love the taste of drinking water clean and pure, especially if it is available without violatingYour portfolio.

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