Reverse osmosis and the Reef Aquarium

Whether you tap or well water, you are sure to bring something that your aquatic inhabitants are not appreciated, including metals, phosphates, nitrates, chlorides and chloramines (some places). Tap water can run for a bit 'but you can never be sure, do not have a disaster on your next water change.

You can also get water to your local store of water that is only reverse osmosis water and typically has a TDS (total dissolved solids) count of 2-10depending on when the filters were changed. Total dissolved solids (often abbreviated TDS) is a measure of the combined content of all inorganic and organic materials (such as Red Slime), which was suspended in a liquid in the molecular ion or micro-granules. This is ideal for drinking water and much better than tap water, but still not the best for your reef aquarium. You need the component of FDI in the TDS to zero. Once a zero, you can be pretty sure they do not contribute anything harm to the tank, as indicated above. This is to avoid annoying algae and bacteria that can cause a tank to stop completely and if you look at the cost of all your fish and corals, it is two hundred dollars or less spent a good look!

Get a good stage RODI Unit 4-5, we sell on our site for under $ 200 Canadian. As far as maintenance goes, you just change the cartridge every 6 months, although it is recommended to change the sediment> Filter every 2-3 months or when it appears dirty. This will help prolong the life of reverse osmosis. The membrane is what drives most of the bad things in the water and usually lasts about 2-5 years depending on the source from TDS water and carbon dioxide. I sold, used and recommended Filmtec membranes for about 6 years without problems and are both the performance and longevity of the competition. An in-line or handheld TDS metersYou will know when it's time to change cartridges.

I tried various "reverse osmosis filter elements 10, but no one seems to compare well block filter sediments Purtrex a filter mixed with the KX MATRIKX CTO2 MATRIKX and a carbon. As for the deionization is interested in buying a cheap rechargeable clear basket and 1.25 pounds of resin to fill. How to save $ 15-20 every six months on the component. E 'absolutely no advantage to using pre-filled, TUE-branded cartridges, when the company that sold it to work.

Get a quality system and provide water RHODES, whenever you need it! You can also delicious drinking water (do not drink water only after passing through the container). Yes, you can buy chips for a few dollars in order to bypass the filter.

The advantages of using RODI water in your reef aquarium are too big to ignore and you'll definitely save moneythe near future.

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