Reverse osmosis units - these systems have problems

Reverse osmosis units are expensive and for most homeowners, there is no need to spend money. While those who can bring traffic to say that reverse osmosis systems are the best, there are better, more technologically advanced.

Reverse osmosis units have been recommended for removal of cysts of Giardia and Cryptosporidium. If you are not familiar with the diseases that cause cysts to water as foodPoisoning. They can cause stomach upset, and chronic. In people with poorly functioning immune system can lead to death. That each system is certified to filter up to one micron cyst was removed. The best filter up to half a micrometer.

reverse osmosis systems are sometimes recommended for the content of people, mineral water, have "hard water" tall, is one thing. In general, the minerals calcium, iron and other elements, but can lead to problems such asgood. water softeners are less expensive than reverse osmosis systems, such as ion exchange. Or you can target certain minerals and other elements without fully demineralized his address. Drinking distilled water on a regular basis is not good for health.

Reverse osmosis units are sometimes recommended to reduce the lead. If ion exchange systems, lead, copper and other metal ions and replace them with sodium orPotassium. These electrolytes help the body maintain homeostasis or hydration.

In most houses the largest chemical pollutants are known problems, including chlorine and chlorine byproducts such as THM. In some areas, VOCs, such as perchlorate, are problems. found traces of pesticides, herbicides and drugs have been used in many homes and offices.

Reverse osmosis systems do not remove the chemicals at all. They are smaller than waterMolecules. All that would not allow what filter would not let the water pass. The chemicals may be included only on the surface of the granules of carbon and specialty resins. This process is called adsorption.

The quality of air cleaners adsorption varies. It is best to read the data on the performance of the product before buying. The manufacturer should list the contaminants that are reduced and the level of reduction. Most reverse osmosis systems do not contain the level ofReduction, because they have not performed the tests. Producers may Underwriter and other independent laboratories to conduct tests, but they must pay for it. Many companies do not want the expense.

If the problem is, fluoride, reverse osmosis systems are generally ineffective vice versa. The biggest drop comes from granules of aluminum fluoride. But something of granular carbon is effective as well.

If a private good, then you should regularlyThe tests performed to determine the impurities that are present. Even after the installation of a system, you should be guided by annual tests in order to create a record of quality. There are natural and industrial activities that may affect the quality.

If you have access to a public water line, you do not need reverse osmosis units. You have selective multi-stage filtration, which is much less expensive.

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