Reverse osmosis water filter systems - not meant for domestic use

Reverse osmosis water filter, even if the solution on the market as an ideal home filter is in fact far from it. And that's why.

Did you know that reverse osmosis filtration systems were actually created originally for photo printing needs, and medical technology. All used machines that use water that is free from solids was tracked, particles and sediment.

But if you really home water filtration has begun,Manufacturer wanted in stock. So they decided to again use their reverse osmosis filtration system in the house above. Heck, he made his name as a superior product from start to sound!

What many are unaware of the adverse health and safety concerns, which together with the help of reverse osmosis water systems in the home, especially if the end call key which is to produce potable waterWater.

For example, did you know that this type of economic system in all trace elements, to remove naturally present in water? Did you know that our bodies are designed and adapted to run on water and trace elements?

Experts now say that not drinking desalinated water for a long time a wise thing to do. First, because the demineralized water is more acidic alkaline (a pH below 7,), the body needs to extract mineralsproducts from the bones and teeth of bicarbonate. And as you will not get a good dose of minerals more, this increases the risk of developing mineral deficiencies. And on top of an acid in the body increases the production of free radicals, thus increasing the risk of cancer.

Now you know all this information about the impact that filter water reverse osmosis systems can have on your health, you muststill fell like is sure to get one? The sad part is that the producers of these companies to hide this information from consumers try!

Instead, look for a home filtration system that only removes harmful contaminants in water. In general, a multi-stage filtration system that more filtering technology can be used to remove as much of the impurities without pulling all the healthy minerals with it.

You also save money by notInitial reverse osmosis filtration systems. We were thrilled to these facts, because we have lived since we were not able to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars on an RO system and instead we only have $ 100 for the system we use in our home!

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