The truth about reverse osmosis systems and your health

Let's face it ... with all the reports about how bad is the quality of our tap water is not an excuse for not buying a water filtration system for your home. Recently, reverse osmosis water units all the rage. Behind all the glossy advertising, but there are some things you need to know. Reverse osmosis systems are not only expensive and wasteful, but their effectiveness is questionable at best. Then there are the series of studies to show whypurified reverse osmosis, drinking water is to damage our health. If you're buying a filter system to the healthier and safer water, reverse osmosis is simply not the solution.

First, go to work for a brief explanation of how reverse osmosis systems. The water is exposed to pressure for a porous membrane underneath. Reverse osmosis is effective in removing organic contaminants, the water molecules is less thanand pass through the membrane. The problem here is that synthetic chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides are large water molecules and therefore do not pass through the membrane. This leaves us with water, partially purified, but not completely. The only way for a reverse osmosis system to be truly effective is to use together with a water block carbon filter. It 's stupid to use reverse osmosis, if you hear when youcan only start with a C block water filter and save the trouble and maintenance of reverse osmosis systems.

Not only clean water treated with reverse osmosis system is not complete, it lacks the minerals that are necessary to stay healthy too well. Research shows that people more healthy and free of disease throughout the world by always living near a body of water with high mineral content. Minerals essential for goodHealth, located in the water, calcium, magnesium and potassium. One unit of reverse osmosis water takes some 'bad things along with all the good things. A number of scientific studies have shown that the consumption of demineralized water is harmful to our health.

There are two negative things that happen when you drink desalinated water. Since the deionized water contains more hydrogen is an acid with a pH below 7 The first bad thing thathappens is that when you drink an acid to produce the body to take minerals from the bones and teeth of baking soda to neutralize the acid. The second negative consequence is that our bodies are more free radicals when we are in a condition to produce an acid-alkaline. This leads to an increased risk of cancer! I do not know for drinking water, but the drive when purified by reverse osmosis has undergone cancer connection, I'm not willing to take risks!

Now that you haveArmed with this information, I hope you can see that the truth about reverse osmosis systems is alarming and we need to reconsider the filter as an option if you compare home water purifiers. It 'best to use water much safer alternative system of water filtration that removes 99 percent of all harmful impurities leaves you with a much safer and healthier than glass.

So what are you waiting for? Go out and find a water filter thateffective, safe and beneficial to health.

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