If water reverse osmosis filter for a better home?

How about reverse osmosis? Not much, probably, at least until someone suggests a reverse osmosis filter for your home. At this time we like to speak to a friendly warning that it would perhaps not in your best interest to do accept hype as crystal clear truth.

E 'right to point out that among the various methods used for the consumption of drinking water and personal purification, reverse> Osmosis is listed as one of the options available. There is a separation process, the pressure is the force a solution through a semipermeable membrane with a very fine porous structure, whose job is to keep contaminants from one side and then the purified solvent, in this case 'water, on the other steps.

In fact, while it may be effective in some industrial processes that require de-ionized water, reverse osmosis is not the best for water at homeCleaning systems.

While there is an ongoing debate on the sound VE-water compared with filtered water contains minerals that are healthy, it seems safe to say that the water naturally balanced all the ingredients necessary for human well-being and is therefore healthier. The pore size of reverse osmosis membrane, to allow the removal of contaminants according to their molecular size. Each synthetic chemicalsas herbicides and pesticides smaller molecular reverse osmosis water will not be removed.

Therefore be effective to reverse osmosis system is responsible for disinfection, each followed by a carbon filter and, optionally, a UV lamp (killing) of microbes that can escape through the membrane barrier.

The percentage of water in the mud (from two to three times the amount obtained of purified water) is enhanced to be destined for aThe costs are not negligible. Taking into consideration the need to supply current and future worldwide for the availability of sufficient fresh water, this can quickly become an unacceptable waste.

One is back on the sea, leaving discarded water from a desalination plant to plant ground to throw down another flight of all the amount of residual water, but it pays to be unfit to drink (if to be collected separately, flush is washing the car and, within certain limits, for gardening). Not forget that, while the process is slow, you need a tank to collect the purified product until use.

In addition, the considerable cost of energy used for contaminated water and the necessary maintenance and replacement costs, estimates of the treatment pressure for each volume of treated water to more than double that of other filtering systems.

This is the essence of why you should reverse the superlative praise for the software> Osmosis water filters for installation at home and instead consider the most appropriate alternative.

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