Looking For a Reverse Osmosis Water Filter? Better Know the Downside

You want the best for your family right? Then safe and healthy drinking water should be on the top of your list. With the increased pollutants in our environment today, it's a good idea to get to know the pros and cons of various water filtration systems. The efficiency behind a reverse osmosis water filter has been the source of great debate and intrigue. But what is involved in this process?

First, it's a process where water molecules are forced through a semi-permeable membrane by water pressure. Long sheets of the membrane are pressed together and rolled up around a hollow central tube. Second, this rolled-up part is commonly referred to as a spiral membrane or module. A reverse osmosis filter comes in various sizes for processing different amounts of water. Basically, a home water system is relatively small like 10 inches long.

Although its compact size is convenient for home use, there are some downsides. These Problems of making ineffective for the purification of drinking water. The relatively small pores of the membrane can filter large properties, such as salt, but finds it difficult to filter out other things.

The issue comes in the form of hazardous chemicals. Chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and chlorine are scientifically less water and glide through the filter membrane. These are the culprits, the exact chemical contaminants found in drinking water treatment for municipalplants. So really this type of system does not create much better water than those sources you are trying to guard your family against.

Stay with me...it gets worse. Another downside to a reverse osmosis water filter is that it removes healthy, naturally occurring minerals from water. This happens because the membrane is resistant to natural trace minerals. The worst part is that without such minerals water tastes bad and can actually be unhealthy for the Body.

Another problem with a reverse osmosis filter. It is not the fastest kid on the block. In fact, it's a very slow process, when combined with other devices such as filtration, carbon filtration, ion exchange and sub micron filtration. And perhaps even more shocking is that reverse osmosis wastes large amounts of water. This results in waste Approximately two minutes before three liters of water for every gallon that passes throughthe filter.

At the end of the day, the bad overshadows the good in the reverse osmosis process. I am sure that the inventor had to help their intention to create pure water, but the formula for success does not just add up to right.

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