Treatment Need your reverse osmosis system water filter?

Reverse osmosis water filter systems were originally designed to raise funds for the industrial de-mineralize water. The question of efficiency and effectiveness of the treatment time Reverse osmosis is the subject of debate for some. There are "experts" on both sides of the debate. Here's our take.

If you do some research, you learn that all water suppliers in the world of minerals. When it rains, the water moves through the soilverification and stored in our groundwater, carrying minerals from the rocks, passing through them. This is the natural process. You could say that the systems of water released from water reverse osmosis filter is unnatural and you're right.

Industries want to protect the mineral water, their equipment from corrosion and rust. The demineralized water is good for the development of the film, as it would be treated as a dry film, of course, leave water spots whichactual mineral deposits. But people need minerals.

Many companies are advertising reverse osmosis to treat at home "clean." Studies have shown that people who regularly consume demineralized water are suffering from malnutrition. The best source of some trace elements essential for good health is water, plain water. How do you say that the demineralized water is pure?

The purest water source is protected by high mountainbiological contamination through caves or rock. Run over and through rocks actually cleans the water. Reverse osmosis water filter can remove some contaminants, but the taste of the resulting flat.

The issue of purity is another part of the discussion of reverse osmosis treatment. Along with minerals, collected water from the soil with chemicals and pollutants, the industry has had, leakage and dumping for years. The last The numbers say that 2400 different chemicals contaminated the water supply American. Most of them are known to cause cancer.

Systems Reverse osmosis water filter alone can not remove these chemicals. A further step, an activated charcoal filter are chemicals necessary for the case. So, how is it possible that the reverse osmosis treatment provides pure water?

In areas where garbage and dirt particles visible rendering the water undrinkable,> Reverse filter drinking water supply systems, reverse osmosis "water." Means that it can be used for cooking. The kitchen is recommended before drinking.

Most people in this country have neither public water or well-stocked. The problems with our drinking water can not be addressed only by reverse osmosis treatment.

No matter how well the treatment plant does its job, there are chemicals, traces of toxic heavy metals and microbes cause disease inThe tap water. No matter how perfect you are good to keep your own, may be equally true of well water. Systems Reverse osmosis water filter alone can not eliminate many of these pollutants. Chlorine, for example through direct.

To get rid of chlorine and other chemicals, activated carbon filtration is necessary. To get rid of germs, you must microns. To balance the mineral content, you need copper / zinc alloy filters or ion exchange. Most of usI just do not need reverse osmosis treatment.

If you ... have a supply of water is very questionable, if there is visible dirt or particles in your water ... if you have a very deep salt water systems may need to reverse osmosis filters, but there are many more options. So keep your eyes open.

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