You can improve your health through reverse osmosis water filter?

You can improve your health through reverse osmosis water filter? There is more to this question than meets the eye.

Leave it to explore in detail.

Therefore, you should filter the water at home

In this article, I will not talk about reverse osmosis industry or agriculture. I'm using at home to discuss your drinking, cooking and bathing water can filter.

I hope you already knowIt is advisable to filter water at home! If you are not completely convinced, let me quote a few studies have been conducted recently.

In a study conducted by a team of researchers sampled water from the system of 29 large U.S. cities. They were in search of traces of pesticides in the water. They know what they are?

They found traces of pesticides in water systems of each of the 29 cities examined!

In another study done by Ralph Nader group, foundover 2000 known carcinogens in the municipal water supply of several U.S. cities.

The problem is that our 50 to 100 years water treatment plants can not be effective with all new chemicals, to master our world. (We live in a world made possible by more than 80,000 synthetic chemicals. Most of these chemicals does not even exist 50 years ago.)

If you drink, cook, or bathe in this water, you're probably taking all types of organic and inorganic substancesChemicals!

That's why you need to filter the water itself.

But this brings us back to our demand for better health through reverse osmosis water filter.

Reverse osmosis is the best way?

The reverse osmosis water runs through a porous membrane. The main problem in using this technology, everything is filtered. There are even trace elements such as filtersCalcium, potassium and magnesium.

We need these trace elements to the body in many complex chemical processes that keep us fully alive!

So, if you drink water from the filter reverse osmosis systems at home, you may not have enough of these trace elements that are the focus of your current health.

The water produced by reverse osmosis "VE", because this removal of minerals.

SomeScientists believe that drinking also may suffer from long-term de-ionized water to a greater likelihood of cancer, lead to other diseases.

There are better ways to use the filter?

Well, if reverse osmosis is not the best home water filtering technology, what is it?

Other methods include granular activated carbon filtration and ultraviolet radiation.

The best water filter on the market actually use more than one methodtwo-step filtering the bad stuff and leaves in which all important trace elements.

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