Did you know that a water filter reverse osmosis has this limitation?

A water filter reverse osmosis is a choice for the home, but there are many other possibilities. Some of them are less expensive, but actually do more to protect the health of your family. Public authorities use some kind of reverse osmosis filter is an investment not required if it is a purification plant. Only families who live in rural areas with a very dirty source of water needed for reverse osmosis> Filter and less expensive projects, like the one used by GE to work for this purpose. You see, a reverse osmosis filter removes contaminants, depending on size. If the size of the impurities is smaller than the pores of the membrane is removed.

For highly polluted water, a system must be changed frequently on different membranes or the membranes become smaller and the amount of wastewater created will be enormous. If you want protection from drugs, chlorine and other contaminants, you need a reverse osmosis filter, in combination with a block or carbon granular filtration device to use. Most of us only carbon-block with sub-micron filtration capacity. You will see a water filter reverse osmosis is only one step in a process of thorough cleaning. Multistage system to remove a wider range of pollutants. If you really needOsmosis Filters> reverse, since the source is visibly dirty, you will be disinfected more steps. Most people use chlorine for this purpose, but there are some new UV filtration systems designed for home use, are also effective.

Of course, if you have it from a sewage treatment plant, disinfection was carried out. Most organizations use a combination of steps disinfection, including UV light, chlorination, and oxidation. However, microscopicCysts to escape their efforts. As spores or cysts are eggs. Inside, a parasite that is looking for a host to infect.

The most common are Cryptosporidium and Giardia. Both are usually found in areas where agricultural runoff and animal waste. In order to remove the cysts, the pore structure of a reverse osmosis water filter is less than 1 micron. A multi-media block with a sub-micron pore structure also removes cysts, and as mentioned above cost less. Boththe price of first appointment and replacement of the filter is lower. If you are using a plant, chlorine, you must remove the byproducts of chlorination, such as trihalomethanes or THMs known. They are known carcinogens, but until recently we were misled to believe that the amount present in our drinking water is safe.

Now we know that actually increase the risk of colon cancer and bladder cancer. Estimates vary, but approximately 700 new cases per year, per countryIt is believed that the exposure caused by THM. I do not want one of those 700, so instead of choosing a reverse osmosis filter, which removes THM I, the block of carbon, which traps them elected by a process called absorption. A reverse osmosis water filter was at the same time best choice for cleaning the house, but it's time has passed. The companies simply do not want to let him go.

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