Does Reverse Osmosis Treatment Need to Be Part of Your Water Filter System?

Reverse osmosis water filter systems were originally developed as a means for industries to de-mineralize water. The issue over the efficiency and effectiveness of reverse osmosis treatment has been the subject of debate for some time. There are "experts" on both sides of the debate. Here's our take.

If you do some research, you will learn that every water supply in the world has minerals in it. When it rains, water travels through the soil and enters our underground water stores, carrying along minerals from the stones that it passes through. This is the natural process. You could say that the water emitted by reverse osmosis water filter systems is un-natural and you would be right.

Industries want the minerals out of the water to protect their equipment from corrosion and rust. De-mineralized water is good for film processing, because as processed film dries, natural water would leave spots, which are actually mineral deposits. But, people need minerals.

Many companies are advertising reverse osmosis treatment for in-home "purification". Studies have shown that people who regularly consume de-mineralized water suffer from nutritional deficiencies. The best source of certain trace minerals essential to good health is water, natural water. How can anyone say that de-mineralized water is pure?

The purest water comes from high mountain springs protected from biological contamination through caves or rock. Running through the rocks above and actually cleans the water. Water systems reverse osmosis filter to remove some contaminants, but the resulting water tastes flat.

The issue of purity is another part of the treatment of reverse osmosis to discuss. Along with minerals, water flows through the land of chemicals and pollutants, the industry had, spills and dumping for years. The last The numbers say that the 2400 U.S. supply of various chemicals contaminated water. Most of them are known to cause cancer.

The reverse osmosis water filter systems alone can not remove these chemicals. A further step, an activated carbon filter is necessary to trap chemicals. So, how is it possible that the reverse osmosis pure water treatment is available?

Non-edible waste in areas where water and debris make it visible,> Reverse osmosis water filtering systems provide water "drinking". This means it can be used for cooking. The kitchen is recommended before drinking.

Most people in this country have either publicly or well water is provided. The problems with our drinking water are not resolved with the reverse osmosis treatment alone.

No matter how good a job the wastewater treatment plant of its work, there are chemicals, which contain traces of toxic heavy metals and microbes in diseaseTap water. No matter how perfect your good care, this may also apply to water well. Reverse osmosis water filtration systems alone can not eliminate many of these pollutants. Chlorine, for example, performs directly.

To get rid of chlorine and other chemicals, you need the activated carbon filtration. To get rid of germs, you must microns. To balance mineral content, you need copper / zinc alloy or ion exchange filters. Moreof us just do not need reverse osmosis treatment.

If you have a very questionable water supply...if there is visible dirt or particulates in your water...if you have a very high level of salt in your water, you may need reverse osmosis water filter systems, but there are many other options. So, keep looking.

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