Reverse osmosis water filter - the danger of using reverse osmosis filters for drinking water purity

The water filter reverse osmosis was a great invention. Most of the planet is salt water, unfit. The right reverse osmosis filter to remove the salt and make it drinkable.

That said, reverse osmosis filters have been touted as the best cleaning system for personal use and that is simply not true. If the source is polluted, salty or full of debris, may be theCase, but alone, not a water filter reverse osmosis does not make it safe to drink. Additional steps are required to fulfill this task. We see that the reverse osmosis filter to work.

A liquid at high pressure through a porous membrane pressed. Anything that removes heavier or larger than the liquid molecules. Everything passes through the liquid with small or light.

Reverse osmosis filters areused in dialysis machines to clean the blood. They are good at de-mineralization for industrial applications that require equipment for corrosion and wear. And, as already mentioned we can to remove the salt, which is heavier and denser molecular or higher. These things are good, but not enough to clean.

For cleaning, disinfection reverse osmosis water filter, carbon filtration and re-mineralization are followed. You will probably realize that Drinking water bacteria is not fully healthy. It typically causes gastrointestinal diseases, such as the stomach flu. In most cases, chlorine or other chemicals used to kill bacteria.

Carbon filtration is necessary to remove chlorine and chemical contaminants. More than 2400 have been found in groundwater. All of them are carcinogenic. As activated carbon granules are a step that can not be skipped.

Re-mineralization is only required if a reverseUsed> osmosis filter or distillation. Demineralized drinking causes digestive problems and is bad for your health. So the "re"-mineralization step is necessary to ensure healthy liquids.

A reverse osmosis water filters for the costs of the families of at least $ 10,000. It takes a long time to clean a gallon of water. Made for each liter of which he cleans five wastewater. Some people use the water for the plants or irrigation, butMost people are aware that it is not even good for the garden.

A reverse osmosis filter is torn easily and requires great care. They are prone to have defects, they can not even do the job they should do.

Reverse osmosis filters require electricity to function properly. And 'necessary to put pressure and pump. This helps to increase the bills and use natural resources.

All in all, you cansee that as a filter for reverse osmosis water for some purposes, it is not the best choice for most of us. Treatment plants to ensure that what comes out of our tap water is clear and free of bacteria. We need chemicals, drugs, hormones, herbicides, insecticides and other chemicals that do not remove a reverse osmosis filter to worry about. These are the facts. The choice is yours.

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