Reverse osmosis and deionization: I'm really necessary?

Aquarium care is a labor of love, there are a lot in making these beautiful underwater habitats involved. Many fish lovers know the importance of clean water in the tank and, therefore, the importance of reverse osmosis and deionization. First, let's look at what exactly do these:

Reverse Osmosis
This process of filtering the water through a membrane. This membrane filters result in unwanted heavy metals,Nitrates, chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides, chlorine and other impurities unnatural and undesirable. Because these pollutants are harmful to us, are still harmful to your fish through the structure because of their smaller size.

Deionization is another form of cleaning, but it works for ion exchange. It would be an advanced degree to understand the process, but simply put, the unwanted parts replaced with water particles.
What theHeck is the difference?

Both processes are essentially the same task of removing unwanted contaminants from water. These are often used in combination to remove impurities. Reverse osmosis removes most of deionization and then a filter eliminates the rest.

Is this necessary?
This depends on your tank, and your commitment to your fish. Some tanks, like salt-water pool with corals and anemones require such treatment, asis very sensitive fish, discus, for example. For most amateurs will not be needed, but difficult for aquariums that requires a delicate balance. Note that when you remove the impurities by reverse osmosis or deionization, you need some wanted to replace the minerals that are removed during the process.

To determine if this is required, you are a professional regarding your particular desire to see the aquarium setup. Their also want to test your water regularly to determine whether tap water is pure enough for use in aquariums. They also want to know the quality of your water pipes, such as leaching from old pipes is very toxic for our marine friends.

Filter maintenance is important to try to cope and to facilitate maintenance of your filter reverse osmosis and deionization at regular intervals. A kit of color will help you> Clean the filter and make sure that as long as possible. With a kit of color offers an inexpensive way of life of the expensive filter is increased.
Remember that our amigos water a much more subtle internal filtering system as we have enough and even small changes in the purity of water can lead to injury or death. Regular water testing and maintenance can be critical, literally a matter of life and death.

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