What the best water purification systems? - A comparison of the three most common technologies

Fresh water is vital to our health and comfort. Not only count on them to stay hydrated, we use it in many other ways including bathing, cleaning and cooking the meals and wash our clothes. Fresh water has long been a concern of community groups and individuals, and various water treatment systems and treatment technologies have been developed to ensure that tap water is safe for human consumption. But how these different technologies? Compare

If you get water from a well water system or a city can be a source of bacteria, runoff, and are contaminated by improper handling. Although water is not dirty, it can contain iron and other hard minerals that can cause stains and build up the body, or chlorine that leaves an unpleasant odor and taste. As a result, many people decide to treat or filter water to improve taste and protection against contamination.

Chlorine is often usedthe treatment plants and is effective in killing many different bacteria. However, it is not effective against some organisms such as Giardia and Cryposporidium. Both bodies in lakes, rivers and groundwater are found and can cause severe intestinal illness.

As mentioned, many people feel that chlorine leaves an unpleasant taste and odor. In addition, there have been numerous cases where water supply was contaminated in the city, despite the fact thathas been treated. People use the city water supply often with other home water filters and water filters to ensure that the water is pure and tastes good. The three most common options are activated carbon filters, water filters reverse osmosis, ultraviolet light and water treatment.

Each of these technologies uses a different approach to water treatment, and they each have different effectiveness against various contaminants. It can work well for remove the chemicals, but to be totally ineffective against bacteria, and vice versa.

In fact there is no single filter or treatment that removes impurities from water. The best approach is to have your water tested for contamination and then buy a water filter that protects the house against the particular contaminants that concern you.

Another possibility is to combine the treatment. Most high-end systems use a combination of carbon> Filters and other technologies to achieve one of the treatments, the best results. Let's look at different technologies to see where each is effective.

Activated carbon filters

Carbon is one of the most powerful absorbent, and has been used for many years as a means to remove impurities. The absorption of carbon can be further improved with a slight positive electrical charge. This is known as activated charcoal, and is used in many seriesWater filters at home. As the water passes over the positively charged carbon, the negative ions of the contaminants on the surface of carbon granules and pulled out of the water.

Activated carbon filters typically use granular activated carbon (GAC) or powdered block carbon. Both work well for filtering and cleaning, but the carbon block filters have been proven to remove more dirt. To reduce both types of activated carbon filters or removea range of pollutants, including:

or volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)
Pesticides and herbicides, or
or chlorine, radon and other chemicals often found in tap water.

All this protection has a relatively affordable package. You can buy activated carbon filter systems that fit on your tap for about $ 30, or you can choose whole house system water treatment technology that uses carbon filter for about $ 100.

But if they are not highly compacted, most carbon block filter is not effective in removing heavy metals and bacteria. For this reason, many people the combination of activated carbon filter with one of the other types of water treatment.

Reverse osmosis water filters

Reverse osmosis, also known as hyperfiltration or ultrafiltration, was developed with funding from the U.S. government as a means of desalination of seawater. A reverse > Osmosis water filter uses a semipermeable membrane, pure water to pass through, while impurities are trapped by the tiny pores of the membrane allowed.

The process requires that water under pressure to force through the membrane. Most standard residential water systems have sufficient pressure. Such as activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis also use charged particles to help filter out impurities.

The effectiveness of a> Water filter reverse osmosis depends on the density of the membrane. A membrane with larger pores, of course, lets the larger impurities. It 'also important that the membrane be cleaned regularly for proper operation.

Higher quality water filters reverse osmosis using a process known as crossflow to allow the membrane can be cleaned constantly. Crossflow directs some 'of water behind the membrane, sweeping the rejected Impurities removed so as not to build up and block the membrane.

There are two types of membranes commonly used in reverse osmosis water filter - Thin Film Composite triacetate (TFC) and cellulose (TAC). TFC membranes are much more effective is the CTA membranes, but they tend to be less resistant to the effects of deterioration of the chlorine. This problem can by using an activated carbon pre-filter to remove chlorine, which initially avoided.
There> water filters reverse osmosis are available in various sizes and styles to support and whole house water treatment systems. I can filter a long list of pollutants, including:

or treatment of chlorine and other related products
or bacteria
or salts, sugars, proteins
or dyes
or heavy metals

One disadvantage of reverse osmosis water filters is that they are more expensive than treatment with activated carbon filterSystems, with an average home system costs about $ 300. In addition, the cleaning process is usually a bit 'slower through the use of pressurized water. It 'can produce an entire day to 15 liters of purified water. And a typical reverse osmosis water filter will need up to 8 liters of raw water per liter of purified water to produce.

UV water treatment

As the name suggests, the use of ultraviolet water purification systems, ultraviolet (UV)Light for the treatment of water and microorganisms to make them harmless. The UV light comes from a high intensity lamp that is usually included in a protective tube with quartz. When water passes through the water treatment, UV light damages the structure of an organism and makes them sterile.

Although a UV water purifier requires electricity to operate, it draws about the same amount of energy a light bulb. However, the lamp should be replaced every year to ensure sufficient Intensity.

While whole house UV water purification systems on most bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and other organisms are effective, they do not remove chlorine, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds or other chemicals. And of UV systems work plan, which expose the water to UV light less time, not all organisms.

UV water purifier average of about $ 700 for a whole house system, so that initially more expensive than other types of treatments. Moreover, without a pre-> Filter system, contaminants build up and the intensity of the UV lamp. For these reasons, many people combine UV water treatment plants with activated carbon filters, which also increases the cost.

As you can see, each of the three main water treatment technologies for its advantages and disadvantages. Decide which is best depends on your budget and the type of water contaminants to be removed or prevented. A test of your tap water will helpappropriate water filter for your needs.

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