How does reverse osmosis? An expert explains in easy to understand layman language

To find out how the osmosis reverse osmosis only works on natural-look ... Osmosis what I call 'true'.

It is a process that occurs when a liquid is sucked through a wall of type "solid" of the membrane, because it is a liquid other than on the other side that has a higher concentration in the solution.

Now that you know, some obstacles are so strong that they are waterproof. Nothing can pass through it except at the atomic level. But there are otherso-called 'solid' barriers or walls that are actually visible only with passages drilled under the microscope. Liquid solutions can be poured through the halls and fill the container to the other side.

This is what is osmosis. And it happens every day at work, at home, even if they rarely see.

For example, in salt water by osmosis plant. Without this process, no plant could survive and grow. More importantly, stop osmosis Body healthy and functioning. Up to the level of our cells react to chemicals, as they should, and fluids are transported throughout the body by osmosis. Osmosis is a vital process for all living organisms that affect the distribution of nutrients and release waste.

We use reverse osmosis in industry and everyday life.

If you have a fish that can be 'received' opened in Salt Lake, we have an example of osmosis, because the fish was sitting in the brineOsmosis> slowly pulled the salt in the brine into the flesh of fish. And if the salt has penetrated the fish, the bacteria do not settle and the meat is bad. For thousands of years people have used to preserve meat osmosis in this way. In this day and age of a dialysis machine works by osmosis. It separates waste from the blood of patients but not healthy ingredients such as red cells.

Now here's a question. If the solutions are irresistibly attracted to one in a wayBarrier membrane, which can be pulled in the opposite direction? Yes you can. We reverse osmosis. And now we come to answer our question, how does reverse osmosis?

The pressure is reverse osmosis.

Set up a barrel of sea water with steel sides, but on the ground like a semipermeable membrane. Place a container below, which are beginning to filter through. Now, some pressure on the water - about 60 times the pressure as much as would beare standing straight with the cover at sea level. The salt water will move through the semipermeable membrane and fill the second. But the molecules of salt are not. We will remain in the race. The second room is full of cool water!

Middle East desalination stations enormous production of fresh water in this way. So U-boat. Many municipal water authorities to clean the water these plants, and also small enough to fit like a regular S-homeacross the whole house reverse osmosis water can come from every tap.

This reverse osmosis water purifier may, or gray-water or brackish water, and is certainly sufficient to show that agriculture and washing. Some of these plants also produce water that almost good enough to be as pure drinking water.

But while it would be OK for the reverse osmosis water for a short tour of duty drinking in a submarine, would benot be good long-term health to them in your home. This is because reverse osmosis stops not only particles of feces, and other undesirable organic compounds and some dangerous chemicals, it also stops the natural minerals.

In other words, you end up drinking water that is sterile!

This is seriously unhealthy. Because in reality you and your children need calcium (for bones and teeth), a series of sulfate minerals, magnesium, iron and other mineralsessential for life. They were released in the depths of the earth and moves in a perfect cycle in our water supply, where it is usually to drink them.

Without the constant supply of these healthy, natural minerals, we are sick. So if you want healthy water for your whole house reverse osmosis is a second choice. There are other good filters, water, natural mineral with no cleanChildren need to take into

Now you have the answer to "How does reverse osmosis:" I advise you to visit my site and get more information about filters for drinking water and other options that do a better job of reverse osmosis.

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