Four disadvantages of using reverse osmosis systems for water purification

Reverse osmosis (RO) is one of the most popular technologies used in water filtration systems. In fact it could be a lot of water filters that you know and use this technology to filter water. We see this concept TV and newspapers in commercials often used. Exactly what is it? This is a method to filter water by passing it through a fine-porous semipermeable membrane. Since the structure is very fine pores are a variety of chemicals and other pollutantslocked and you get pure water as a result. Or so you think. If you take a good look at the process, you can actually find that there is not the best method to filter water. How? Let's take a look at the disadvantages of reverse osmosis.

Reverse osmosis is based on the principle that since most of the impurities and chemicals in water has a larger molecular water, are the semi-permeable membrane and blockedFiltered water is achieved. Although the most part, there are some gaps in it.

1 Mainly reverse osmosis waste a heck of a lot of water. A reverse osmosis plant will be only 5% of the total amount of water to restore unity. The rest, around 95% of them are literally going to hell. To be more precise, a reverse osmosis plant 2 to 3 liters of water for every gallon of wastefiltered. At a time when people are struggling to get water for their daily use, is simply insane to waste so much water.

2 It takes time. You must be very patient if you want to use a reverse osmosis system. A typical RO unit produces less than 1 liter of water an hour. And that's a lot of time.

3 Perhaps the most important question is - is to make drinking water reverse osmosis? The answer really is not. RO unit blockedPollutants of their molecular size. Unfortunately, substances such as pesticides and small molecular water through the system. Consequently, the water we drink is not entirely pure.

4 One of the main disadvantages of reverse osmosis RO units is that one can be a breeding house for bacteria, if left unchecked. You must regularly disinfect the memory, otherwise it will be completely infected by various bacteria. So ifForget it, disinfect from time to time, will always have your daily service of bacteria directly from your reverse osmosis system.

The disadvantages of reverse osmosis are no longer a secret, and now I know that is not the best method is to get filtered water. So it is always better for a water filter system, which is a technology that can completely get rid of all harmful substances, still using the natural goodness to goWater.

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