5 disadvantages of reverse osmosis plants

Let's face it, reverse osmosis plants, which are used for one of the best in the field of water purification is no longer the best. Several studies have shown that with the increase of pollution in today's world, this water purifier is more effective in cleaning the water. Let us know the details.

Reverse osmosis systems are based on an old technique, where the water is forced through a semi-permeable porous layer is based. The purposeThis layer is the passage of molecules larger pores to hold back.

Because of this cleaning process, there are some disadvantages of reverse osmosis -

Impurities in the water 1
You will be surprised to know that the size of many contaminants such as chlorine, THMs and VOCs, etc. are smaller than the molecular size of the water. This means that, along with water, these impurities pass through the layer, resulting in impureWater.

2 Water demineralized
Since the size of essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc., is very large compared to the size of the pores of the semipermeable layer, these minerals do not pass, but they are trapped in the layer. This leads to water free of minerals, its consumption causes a lack in the body leads to weaker bones and many dental topics like the plague, etc.

3 2/3rd wastewater
Much water haswasted during the cleaning process. A 1 liter of pure water, process water and wastewater for the production of 2-3 liters of water.

4 Slow Process
Because the water must pass through the porous membrane, this process is very slow. They produce less than 1 gallon per hour, so they need a pressure tank.

5 Expensive
RO equipment costs about $ 300. They also have high maintenance costs associated with them. This is becauseconsume much electricity and water.

Now that you know that the reverse osmosis equipment is not good for health or for your pocket, try to find the solution.

Simple solution for water filtration systems that look out on the basis of new technologies such as carbon filtration, ion exchange and sub-micron. Using these innovative methods, pure filtered water is safe and healthy. Moreover, these filtering systems on lightPocket.

If you're interested in learning more about the revolutionary water purifier, reverse osmosis systems that are kicked out of the market, visit my website listed below.

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