GE reverse osmosis water - do not waste your time and money until you read this report

I was shocked. When I decided to buy a water filter home, I first saw the GE reverse osmosis water systems. It was not only very expensive, not the technology does not use a good job of filtering water. So if you are considering a system of reverse osmosis filters are used, you read this article.

How many products is the most expensive is not necessarily the best. This is certainly the case in the houseWater filtration systems. The method of purifying tap water vary widely as well as the purchase price.

Reverse osmosis systems have their place. They are ideal for plants that require water of better quality than that provided by what the local authorities. These filters do a decent job of removing bacteria and other organisms in water. For most of the production process which is all they really need removed.

The military uses this type of Filtration and because their main concern is to remove all their soldiers became ill. Again, these systems are good for this use, but not what you want in your home.

So, what's the problem with reverse osmosis is then? Well, this is the biggest problem with your tap water chemical contamination. Studies have shown that most tap water, pesticides, herbicides, lead, medicines, fuel, and hundreds of other toxic substances. GE Reverse > Systems osmosis filters do not remove these pollutants.

Another major concern is the chlorine in tap water taken from municipal facilities. Chlorine does a great job of killing bacteria, but it's very unhealthy to consume. Chlorine, in fact, most public drinking water than what is considered safe for a swimming pool.

Some parasites have become resistant to the effects of chlorine. These microscopic organisms through reverse> Osmosis filter. Parasites should be removed from your faucet can cause serious problems because the digestive system.

In addition to high costs and poor filtering capacity, the maintenance of a GE reverse osmosis water is a challenge. It is not a set and forget system. They are very sensitive to mechanical problems and need attention. Be prepared to spend lots of money for the maintenance of such systems.

So, that's it. SomeThoughts on whether or not you should consider purchasing a GE reverse osmosis water.

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