Is your drinking water filter reverse osmosis?

You have to be honest with this - your drinking water filter reverse osmosis, if the answer is no, then congratulations, you're not among the millions of ignorant people who are using reverse osmosis water filter in their home and place of work, and set their own health as well as their loved ones at risk.

However, if the answer is no, then your drinking water filter system is on the back ofOsmosis technology, then read on. In this article we will reveal the reason for reverse osmosis water treatment units are not good for health. In addition, we will see what technologies are best when it comes to real clean, pure water and healthy. Let's begin.

Experts from around the world does not recommend treatment of water in any water filtering system with reverse osmosis for the following Reasons.

1 There is an old technology and does not remove all impurities from water. With the increase in pollution, there are many pollutants and a wide range of harmful chemicals in tap water. Water Filters Reverse osmosis will not remove the ability of many hazardous chemicals such as chlorine, chloramines, THM ( THMs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), etc. This means that the RO water (reverse> Osmosis filter) is not 100% pure. The consumption of contaminated water can cause many symptoms of headache, upset stomach, rectum and bladder.

2 It is not healthy to drink water, but strips out the essential minerals that are naturally present in water. Mineral water is filtered free, that is, the water contains essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc. The prolonged consumption of free mineral affects the healthdisadvantageous. It leads to vitamin deficiency, weak bones, teeth, joint pain and other related topics such as bleeding, plaque, etc.

3 RO water-based filters are expensive. It is a high installation and maintenance costs associated with them.

4 These filters are not efficient and consume much electricity and waste water around 2/3rd.

Now that you know reverse osmosis filter systems for drinking water are not good. We try todiscover the latest innovative technologies that are used in water treatment plants to be to achieve the desired results. These technologies include carbon filtration, ion exchange and sub micron filtration. The above processes have been shown to filter all unwanted and harmful chemicals from the water. In addition, these technologies to maintain the nutritional content in water.

For more information about water filtration systems based on innovativeThe technology that improves the health of your security and your family, visit my website today.

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