Reverse osmosis water treatment systems

Reverse osmosis is not all that to be cracked. Research has shown that drinking demineralized water was the will on a day to day cause digestive problems and malnutrition. Not with the proper trace elements in the diet, such as sodium, potassium or calcium, can lead to cancer. Contrary, specializing in demineralized water that passes through them. The health benefits alone, which can be obtained with reverse Osmosis> is the field of dialysis. For dialysis, the water is completely free from all impurities and solid water purification reverse osmosis do well.

On the contrary, they are unable to filter chemical pollutants present all the options environment. Most synthetic chemicals such as chlorine or substances have a molecular structure smaller than water, so they are not removed when the water through the membranes of the reverse> Osmosis water treatment. There were over a thousand synthetic, cancer causing chemicals in tap water tested was found. None of them were removed by reverse osmosis.

Not only are the chemicals, and bacteria. Osmosis water treatment plants can stop bacteria cysts. However, membranes for water treatment facilities without notice and let rip cysts in their spores being filtered to give the water more. Contamination cysts canany source of water. If people take the cysts can become ill, and any number of problems of the digestive system. In those with weak immune systems, can also lead to cysts, death.Its to decide now.

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