The naked facts of a reverse osmosis water dispenser

It 'amazing. A reverse osmosis water dispenser, which was once one of the favorites at the top, seems gradually to lose its charm. With the growing awareness, people are now much more aware. If you missed the details, here is a quick information sheet for you.

First things first. We need to understand how a reverse osmosis water dispenser works. It has a semi-permeable membrane that has extremely small pores. The contaminated water is forced to passthrough this membrane. What is filtered and what is not, depends entirely on the molecular size of the impurities.

Since water molecules are smaller than pores, occur. Organic chemical contaminants, and are larger, so they are left behind. They are separated from the water.

Fact 1: The drugs that are common contaminants have a low molecular size. The dimensions are so small they easily pass through the porousMembrane of the reverse osmosis water dispenser. Thus, the water is filtered by an RO still contaminated and is not yet clear.

Fact 2: The magnesium are essential minerals such as sodium, iron in the natural water cycle there was a large molecular size. Since its size is greater than that of the membrane, are unable to cross in, and be separated from the water. Thus, a reverse osmosis water dispenser landing in the de-mineralizationWater.

This demineralized water missing all these minerals that are really important for our health. Drinking water is one of the most important sources for the supply of these minerals in our body. The consumption of demineralized water causes mineral deficiencies, which occur due to various health problems. If you are consuming water, you need multi-vitamins or food supplements to meet the required content of these minerals in the body.

In addition, because these minerals have been removed,the water has no flavor.

Solution: The simple and proven solution to this problem is to use a multi-stage water filter. These filters use a combination of ion exchange and activated carbon filtration techniques. They are efficient in removing all types of synthetic and organic pollutants from water, if the drug. They also improve the pH in water.

Unlike RO filters do not separate the essential minerals, thus maintainingWater is the natural form is available - free of impurities and rich in minerals.

Finally, before making a filter, be sure to review and analyze the facts. Effective alternatives to reverse osmosis water dispenser available. You have to look carefully and choose the correct filter water.

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