The reverse osmosis water system - Find out why I'm shocked

I am shocked. Most people think that a system of reverse osmosis water is pure water them.

On the one hand I can understand. After all, the authorities most municipal water systems reverse osmosis water to produce their so-called "clean" water. In fact, if you live in a city or a city of great size, are you and your children will probably reverse osmosis drinking water at home immediately. E 'in accordance with federal, state how manyPeople think it's safe. Even if they know, federal regulations in other sectors are not very high.

And so, reverse osmosis water systems are too great for sellers.

But you know what? It was also the municipal water system with reverse osmosis water must be clean was clean. The tiny pores in a system of reverse osmosis water filter is too large and can not block the cancer-causing chemicals that leechin our drinking water.

According to official reports, over 2,000 of these chemicals, the EPA formally started in tap water. While the government insists that only test for 75 local authorities

The military knows it. Use reverse osmosis systems, but chemical osmosis in water to get rid of bacteria.

I think many people are using a reverse osmosis water system, because it's a good job of cleaning the dirt is notand small particles. The look and see the dirty water into clean water in and out. But to do that clean water must be pure and safe to run it through a second, different type of filter.

This is because there are hundreds - thousands - of chemicals and organic compounds, the home to you with each liter of tap water. You can not see, although you can sometimes smell or taste. Your drinking water may look clean and healthy, but unless it's a thoughtsecond line of filters, it is probably unhealthy. If the water bleached with chlorine. (And who wants that!)

In early 1993, it was thought in Milwaukee, it looks clean municipal water was pure and safe. They were wrong. Unknown to all, was infected by a parasite. More than a disastrous weekend, more than 100 people died.

The City of reverse osmosis system in the water and its program for treating the water with chlorine Osmosiscompletely unable to stop the parasite. Water officials had followed the letter of the law, but were able to protect their populations.

Environmental groups lobbying for greater protection for our municipal water supply. But a small percentage of the public water supply is actually drinking, that officials are reluctant to make every drop to drink. He also has decades of chemical waste dumping in large amounts of hazardous waste misconduct in our water systems, many executed. And this can notbe corrected quickly.

We must take care of our own water. And there are several excellent filter systems that will do. It is not necessary to install a reverse osmosis water system in our homes. Instead, they put aside for a time and know more secure systems.

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