Rushing a counter reverse osmosis filter to buy? Read This First

. One of the things that always surprised me is the popularity of reverse osmosis systems to counter a lot of people still think they are the best choice when it comes to water filters that are - which by the fact that water - filter manufacturers hundreds of thousands of units per year RO dealer to sell. As someone who has studied water treatment, if not in detail, I have something very important, guys.

Work PlanOsmosis Systems> reverse is not the best choice for you. With drinking water, which was purified by reverse (RO)-osmosis process, so bring your health at risk big time. I understand that what I am not a great surprise to most of you, but make sure you read this article. By the time you could read, you'll understand that what I say is true.

First, let me clear something. I have nothing againstCompanies selling the counter reverse osmosis systems. My problem is not with their water cleaner, but with the same cleaning. So, basically for what I say, not only for the filters of the ceiling, but for any type of water filter that is based on reverse osmosis. Now that I have made ​​clear, let me tell you why it is not the right to method of reverse osmosis to purify tap water think.

1 In the other directionOsmosis, water is lost through a semipermeable membrane, contaminants such as cysts, dirt, heavy metals and some viruses and bacteria. The big problem is that the membrane is not able to remove any contaminants that are smaller than water molecules. Consequently, passing small contaminants such as volatile organic compounds through the membrane more easily.

2 The water contains many minerals that are important for your very good health. RO unit, But since these minerals, they are larger than molecules of water. To obtain demineralized distilled water, the only good is to be used in car batteries, and chemical laboratories. This type of drinking water that could develop various health problems.

3 You all know that smells and tastes like chlorinated water is not terrible -. Reverse osmosis can remove chlorine from tap water and, therefore, the filtered water you receive from work planOsmosis> Reverse smells and tastes just as bad as tap water. Also, you can eliminate the harmful by-products of chlorine, causing serious health problems like cancer.

4 A typical counter RO unit waste water. Making a gallon of pure water, you waste almost a gallon of water. This, needless to say, is terribly bad for the environment. Water is a precious commodity, and should be treated as such.

TOP 5 All, cost a lot of reverse osmosis systems dealer. You have to spend thousands of dollars for installation alone. After knowing the defects of the reverse osmosis (RO), I do not know if anyone would be willing to spend that money on the RO units.

Now, after reading this, you have a question - is there a better alternative? My answer is - yes, there. You see - there are several methods of water purification are much better than> Reverse Osmosis. Those that immediately come to mind activated carbon filters, sub-micron filtration and ion exchange. These methods are able to eliminate more than 99% of pollutants in tap water containing chlorine. And most importantly, retain the essential minerals in water. So instead of reverse osmosis filters to filter the water table for one of these methods or a combination of all the gothree methods. In this way you get clean, great tasting drinking water every day.

My opinion on this issue is very simple - because so much money on the reverse osmosis water filter counter, if there are much better alternatives available at affordable prices? Read this article carefully, ask yourself this question, and make an informed decision today.

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