I use the filter for reverse osmosis water for my drink

"I've been meaning for you, now fer-ment for me" was not understood!

Who said reverse osmosis?

After trying many different recipes for wine and mineral water, beer - and a struggle to get them out well, I realized it was the water that I was using.

My kitchen is a late-90's kitchen and has all the good things as valves, fittings and accessories, but people who thought that he built to put in a reverse osmosisSystem.

After testing the water from the tap, I found it was full of hard water and iron ore. So I started to agree on how the "problem of my beer."

It 'been very experience at first, but after I set my face to solve the taste! I found it was actually very simple.

A unit is a unit through the RO membrane filter - bacteria, sodium, and most other chemical substances (fluorine, chlorine) from your drinking water. I knew that, but I do not think my dick The water was so bad.

So, after three-tank system that really cleans the water, I had the question of who has called them. I have worked with water filters and systems, and somehow always hated the industry standard, the RO under the kitchen sink is made.

Not to worry, because it always left a mess when losses. Ruined, and usually sink to the bottom of the cabinet.

The option that I like to put into reverse> Osmosis system in the mechanical room and then back PEX lines that sink.

With less than my kitchen not only drink my kitchen was not really a choice, get to pex through the walls or ceiling, so that I, under the sink that was my only choice decision.

RO units are very nice if you can get your drink to taste right - from the RO the flavor and color of the water - you see. Even if you do not remove "all" the bacteria (some may be through, but it is lessthat without an offensive), as best beer.

Now I have the smile of those, I appreciated the invitation. I like my second batch of good beer - and grateful - I use a filter for reverse osmosis water for my drink.

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