Reverse Osmosis - The world's most popular drinking water system


The most popular water treatment process on the market is reverse osmosis. This process of water purification in the early 1950's, pioneering work in response to the growing incidence of kidney disease. RO was designed to replace the filter function of the kidneys, and is still in the hospital dialysis unit used for this purpose today.

Reverse osmosis uses the characteristics ofa membrane to prevent the passage of particles through the membrane. It prevents large particles of a water molecule from the membrane, while H2O is allowed to flow to the "Clean Water" page. Due to the extremely small pores, which crosses the water pre-filtration is necessary to avoid clogging the membrane pores. Prefiltration can combine 1, 2 or 3 pre-filter. The pre-filters are combined to remove largerParticles, chlorine, and even some chemicals and pesticides before the water is subjected to membrane purification technology. The number and type of pre-filtration depends on water quality and contaminants, which provides that in the water are available. Common pre-filtration, filtration of sediments includes the removal of chlorine and chemical absorbent. The purpose of the pre-filtration is to protect and give a longer life of the expensive membrane system.

SEDIMENTS is firstremoved from a 20 micron filter. This filter can close the wound string of cotton yarn to be built around a coil, or may be a folded filter paper. By the way, this point "." is about 50 microns in size. So, a 20-microns would be of any substance that is half the size of a point like this "." Particles of sediment from the pipes that would supply water to the house you are released, the iron, which came out of solutionand is now visible as a color in your water, or just dirt from the water source, which is taken out of the water.

Granular activated carbon (GAC) will mostly be used as a second filter, if the source of water is chlorinated, as most municipal water. Chlorine destroys rapidly RO composite membrane, the chlorine must be removed before the water reaches the RO membrane. GAC filters are simple filters with small carbon granules, which are filledhighly absorbent and remove chlorine effectively. If the water source does not contain chlorine, GAC is generally replaced with a prefilter of perhaps 10 microns in effective filtering, although some of the GAC filter as well as taste and odor filter and a 10-micron filter sediments can act. It should be noted that there could be a GAC filter "absolute" filtration results for sediment, water treatment technologist, which isThe use of water treatment applications must be aware of what you want to achieve. If the target is close to 20 micron filtration through the placement of a 10-micron filter, or is the goal Ithe taste and odor removal, as the smell of rotten eggs, hydrogen sulfide (H2S)? A GAC reduces the levels of H2S in which the folded sediment filter string or not.

The carbon block filters are usually set as the third in a pre-RO filtersSystem. Carbon block filters have the potential to filter as small as half a micron. This is very small. How good are the building blocks of carbon to be effective in the removal of most chemicals and pesticides from water. The effect of placing the pre-filter in this arrangement contributes to both longer life expectancy of the RO membrane, and reduced pre-filter maintenance. The less expensive the filter, which takes 20 microns, thelarge bulky materials. The next filter costs, the GAC, which requires more chlorine and particles that are 20 microns, which could not catch, and the most expensive pre-filter, carbon block, let alone absorb the chemicals.

The membrane is the heart of the system to reverse osmosis. Like water through the membrane by water pressure is required to be maintained and the dirt washed from the system through the brine-drainage water. TheMembrane is capable of removing up to 95% of all impurities, when the water pressure is sufficient food available. Increased pressure feed water increases the efficiency of the membrane. Psi absolute minimum water supply pressure 40 If the pressure is not high enough, an electric booster pump must be added before the system.

After the purified water is passed through the RO membrane, is stored in a small shop and waiting to be delivered for its own tap water toConsumers. The tank contains only about 6-8 liters of water at once. This small reservoir is designed to fit under the kitchen sink for convenience. Large tanks may be ordered to install and easy for consumers, the water available at a moments notice like. Usually it takes about 2 hours on a tank of 8 liters vacuum to be filled. Most RO systems produce 35-75 gallons (160-340 liters) every 24 hours, depending on the ability of the membrane, which came with the reverse osmosis system and, depending on water levelsPressure. (More pressure = more purified water)

Finally, on some systems, the water through a carbon filter is installed in the final delivery line between the tank and the faucet above, as well as the finishing touch for good tasting water.

CRITICS often RO units, as expressed for each gallon of purified water, 2-3 liters of saline water, sewage discharged to clean impurities from the water. This is true. However, this water is not gone! E 'We just got back from where it came from, he sent the water table. Nothing has the water has been absorbed. The pollutants picked it up as he passed through the soil, is back on the floor.

CONCLUSION: Reverse osmosis is the first choice of consumers around the world, the pure, safe, good tasting drinking water for themselves and their families want to do.

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