Reverse osmosis filtration system - not the best investment

Reverse osmosis systems at home are not the best investment you ever make, despite the ads that tell you. Reverse osmosis treatment as a whole is not all as they say. Perhaps the system state of the art was more than a century, but there are other systems available that is light years ahead.

You must determine the specific needs of your family osmosis before investing in something like reverseHome systems. If you are drawing from a well or other natural source, then the use of one. Just be sure to have your water tested first to let you know what kind of contaminants you need to do.

Reverse osmosis water treatment is unlikely to be the only step needed to drink to go to get your drinking water. chlorine disinfection is likely to be necessary, and then even if no otherContaminants in your water, you have to device a water treatment plant to help protect you from chlorine.

People often underestimate the danger of chlorine is to our health. Few remember that I was hard as a chemical weapon during World War II, and this is something that probably should not be forgotten. Home systems, reverse osmosis can not block the entry of chloride from home.

Probably did not mention in the prospectus that the reverse osmosis water treatment is nothing more than the removal of sediments have done? If you have forgotten to mention the fact probably forget to say that microscopic organisms could pass through as easily as with chemical liquids.

Yes, there are specific microbes that manage to evade the lethal action of chlorine disinfection. This is another reason I'm trying to say clean air for you that you need to get a 'water. Reverse> Osmosis systems dirt in your home drinking water, and nothing else.

Even at the higher level reverse osmosis water treatment does not block contaminants. There is nothing more than a removal of sediments on public institutions. Remove the dirt from the water, bleach, and send it to you without additional water through a filter.

There alleged traces of more than 10,000 chemicals in circulation in our watersSystem at any given time. 2.100 of these chemicals are known carcinogens. additional filter systems reverse osmosis home systems are not without ceasing to these carcinogens to enter the house, and the corpses of your family.

Treatment of reverse osmosis water for the house idea is useless, because it is not necessary, clean the purified water better than what it already. The only answer to your problem is the contaminationPurchase or a whole house water treatment plant, or a series of devices for point-of-use is intended to stop all chemical and biological contaminants.

Reverse osmosis systems at home are not the answer to the problems of contamination of a no, as I said before, in which there are systems that are light years ago. Get one before it's too late.

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