Mobile car wash - water quality - deionized or reverse osmosis?

When you run a mobile car wash and the licensee's handling of the accounts is the quality of water in front. If the water is too hard, leave stains, and for new vehicles sold to real customers, often paying 10s of thousands of dollars, well, you get the picture. Before retirement, I have a mobile car wash franchise, and even today I am running technical questions about how to ask the right way.

Not long ago he asked for a mobile phone owner of a business car wash myself? "The water [I should U.S.] RO or deionized water? [Reference to: Reverse Osmosis RO or DI as in DE-ionizing filter]. I imagine that a system of 2000 gallons per day cost me about $ 5,000. De-ionizers, have not been studied. I have plans to implement a 500 gallon tank on the truck and pulled a nurse with the 500th

The de-ionizing tanks expensive, because it is only possible up to before they need recharging. You can make a $ 12 kit to recharge, but the problem is, there is acid in W> Cup, where it should be loaded and was rinsed with water for long, and you can not find your house, it is against the law.

Therefore, you must go to a company of industrial water to make them (with rental deposits), and often they give you $ 60 to $ 90 depending on the area. And according to parts per million in water as you [or home] store can only for 900 to 1500 liters. However, if you have a water softener and / or RO, A membrane system in your house is already clean the water before the water run your tanks de-I, this will give you very clean and can last for tanks 3000 - 4000 gallons without recharging.

In fact, I remember I once built a water treatment plant for a new health care system blood test, and their system, the water passes through carbon filters, salt pellet filter and then through a robust set of RO membranes and then tanks for ultra clean water.After testing this system, I left a little water, and then I got to about 1000 liters of water in a tank filled with one of our mobile car wash facility, and took the car too much water after test clean.

Wow, that was incredible, and when I used 3000 psi, which blew dust from the car and there were zero water spots. I think something like 200 cars cleaned by me in an hour and a half. Zero points of water.

The question is how do you want to get clean water,and the high-pressure washing / rinsing to do business GPM. But the more you use gallons per minute, more water for cleaning the water costs. The problem with reverse osmosis is used two to three liters to gallons of water to clean first

Companies like Starbucks, have run their RO system three times to make ice and water for coffee, because you can really taste the coffee, very different from making coffee at homewith the local mineral water and the smell of the local waters. Are you with 7-8 liters to make 1 liter of water, reverse osmosis, so that the water bill gets there, it really is a kind of waste of water, if you really really need it.

If you talk to others who have experience in this field, I bet that I agree with much of what I said and to add other points? Because it is based on what you're trying to do depends on what youtried to wash, and the cost of the reality of what the job pays. I mean, you are in business to make money right?

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