Disadvantages of reverse osmosis - because this type of water filter fails

As I see them advertised on the Internet as the largest house to filter the 'entire water system ever invented, I consider it my duty to inform you of the disadvantages of reverse osmosis back. To answer the question in mind ... does reverse osmosis make it drinkable ... I have to say no, you can not.

I would really go so far as to say that the disadvantages of reverse osmosis far outweigh the benefits. AsIn fact, not even close. The only people benefiting from these drinking water systems throughout the home for those living in remote areas where tap water to drink from a well of living.

those of you who live on the plant in areas where sewage treatment plants, a beverage may be surprised to learn that the reverse osmosis water is not safe. This is surprising because large reverse osmosis system is thatthey use to treat water. Your system is much more complex than for private use, and can not do a thorough job.

One of the many disadvantages of reverse osmosis is that the system is designed primarily for the desalination of water for drinking, not for cleaning. The porous membrane filter using this system is great for removing particles from the water supply, but will not be able to eliminate almostotherwise.

The reverse osmosis make water safe to drink? No, if it is unable to block, chemical and microscopic organisms. These systems are not able to remove any kind of impurity, with a weight equal to or lower than the water that carries them. This means that hundreds or even thousands of these pollutants can be achieved and your family.

Another disadvantage of reverse osmosis is that it wastes resources such as water andElectricity. The system produces five times more wastewater, such as clean water, and because it runs on electricity to run electric bill in the sky. This is not the type of system is needed to keep the water clean.

I think quite answered the question: reverse osmosis make water safe to drink. Again, the answer is no. What you need is a cleaning system that filters is a multi-media filters, granular activated carbon,a sub-micron filter and an ion exchange unit. This is to protect against everything.

The disadvantages of reverse osmosis are many to ignore. Do yourself a favor and forget to filter the water in this way. Instead, the purchase of a first water purification system at home using the four filters, which I mentioned above. They are happier and healthier for your decision.

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