Activated carbon filter water Vs Reverse Osmosis Systems

The need for a reasonable Home Water Filtration System is clearly a worrying development as we face: current treatment facilities are worn and municipal water sources contaminated by pollutants in the city. What treatment solution of water / water filtration system makes more sense to ensure family pure, clean and healthy water? The investigation of two common water filtration and purification process sheds light on this issue.

> Reverse osmosis systems lack efficiency

In a reverse osmosis system (ROS) of water, algae fed by a filter and remove sediment, dirt, pre. At a later stage the water passes through one or two deleted (depending on model) pre-filter, volatile organic compounds from water. At a later stage, the water reaches the reverse osmosis, removes most minerals, lead, inorganic compounds, and salt. Waterthen flows into a storage tank (4 gallons), the system is an integral part, because the process is not directly reverse osmosis.

The small pores of reverse osmosis membranes are restrictive to such organic compounds as salt and other minerals. That is, reverse osmosis is very effective in water desalination and the production of mineral-free water for use in printing and photos. In terms of removal of hazardousChemicals and purification of drinking water, reverse osmosis alone, without additional carbon filters is not sufficient to block the membrane pores larger molecules like salt only.

Natural trace elements are disabled

Only activated carbon filters can remove small molecular substances and chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and chlorine. Another disadvantage of reverse osmosis systems is the removal of natural minerals and healthy. Natural track osmosis membrane elements will be blocked from the rear. These minerals make water tasty and serve as an important function for our body system.

Water with no traces of these minerals may actually be harmful for the body. long-term consumption of such de-mineralized water can be harmful for the body and lead to mineral deficiency in the body. The decline in most of the water passes through a> Reverse Osmosis system is also problematic. The system generally wastes two fifty liters of water per liter of purified water, which produces

activated carbon filters more reliable

The process of water filtration with activated carbon filter is characterized by the flow of water through a bed of sand or other suitable media (eg multiple levels of carbon filters and multimedia). The media retains most of the solids and provides for the removalof all unwanted materials and allows water to pass at the same time. The first stage of filtration removes most concentrated chemicals such as chlorine and trihalomethanes, chemicals following procedure removes the small and elusive, such as herbicides or pesticides.

Adsorbed Carbon Chemicals

Granular activated carbon filter system to clear the water of larger compound materials (eg salt) and keep them in trace elements and remove individually much smaller andhazardous chemicals such as chlorine and pesticides, reverse osmosis can not remove it. These water filters use a chemical adsorption (ie, fixed for attraction). Thus, a variety of dissolved contaminants are attracted and retained in the surface of coal particles. In addition, these systems do not require heat or pressure, which makes them relatively cheap.

Pesticides, solvents and other volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)not completely removed by reverse osmosis system, because the pores of the membrane block larger molecules only. Only if an active contribution of additional carbon filter is used, these filters are effective and capable of removing chlorine smaller molecular substances and chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides e.


granular activated carbon filters are effective and valuable consider water treatment devices, but consumers, theirRestrictions. You have the power to keep the water pressure on a constant and uniform optimal range to be maintained, and the filter cartridge must be changed, as recommended by the manufacturer and / or the number of gallons the filter is evaluated after.

The most effective home water filtration and purification system on the market today is a point of-entry water filtration system, which combines two filtration technologies: GranularActivated Carbon and KDF ®, where the water passes through several layers of GAC and KDF ® for maximum and cleaning.

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