The disadvantages of reverse osmosis Exposed - Why you should not use this water filtration system

There was a time when people thought that the RO was the best way to get to drink pure. Many of them, even those installed for domestic and commercial use. However, this technique did not last long and fell.

This is because there are many disadvantages to reverse osmosis. Although to some extent, commercial sector could help reverse osmosis desalination, has not been any help for domestic usePurpose.

This is the reason for drinking water filters developed. In this article we take a look at the disadvantages of reverse osmosis, the destruction to be carried out.

Disadvantage 1: Long Time Filtering

This is by far the most important disadvantage of this system of water filtration. This system takes a long time to filter the water. It 'so slow that it takes about four hours, only one liter of filterWater!

Disadvantage 2: High cost

In addition to taking time to filter a small amount of water, the costs for the purchase and installation of this system is very high. The cost is about $ 10,000 for the purchase and installation! Now is not that too high a price for a payment system is not very efficient?

Disadvantage # 3: Ineffective filtration

Did you know that this system does not remove the chlorine content in water that are actually very harmful? E 'even the essential chemicals to keep our body, such as calcium and potassium needed.

Disadvantage # 4: Excessive consumption of water

Reverse osmosis also needs four gallons of water per hour just to produce one gallon of distilled water in four. Well, this is not an absolute or waste precious water?

Considering these disadvantages of reverse osmosis, it is time for us to say goodbye to this system and decide to filter drinking waterassume a filter function of the dual system for efficient performance, as these have proven to be effective year after year, and are very cheap too.

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