If the water filter reverse osmosis truly the best choice?

I wrote the systems in a series of articles on the disadvantages of water filters reverse osmosis, but recently I had a real life experience has convinced me further that the reverse osmosis treatment, no one could be the best option.

We have vacationed in a house on an island with a contaminated well. The owner had installed systems, reverse osmosis filter the problem. was for many years that theonly option, but today, fortunately there are options.

The water in the kitchen was inappropriate, not suitable for making coffee and content "visible" sediment was too high for the dogs to drink themselves. We spent about a hundred dollars a week on cases of bottled water for cooking and drinking.

The reverse osmosis treatment process has been in the cellar of the house, but obviously did not work properly. It 'was close enough to' belong 'to the bedroom to be.It made the loudest noise you can imagine, and from "outside" seemed like a relatively new system.

These are some of the most common complaints with the reverse osmosis treatment. They are strong and break easily. They are based on a porous membrane, the delicate and easily torn. A system that effectively removes the "salt 'must contain a number of membranes and pre-filtering to protect the membrane and prevent it from tearing.

Obviously, thislandlord had chosen a less expensive systems, reverse osmosis filters, with sediment pre filtration is inadequate. Where RO is necessary to take further measures are always needed.

Do not remove chemical contaminants, the membranes or nothing "solved" in the water. You do not know kill bacteria, in fact, can be a source of bacterial contamination because they grow in the pores of the membrane. It is necessary to "design" a system based onpollutants that have to do. But if you expect from a wastewater treatment plant public osmosis treatment is not necessary in reverse order.

The new GE products and have always maintained solely for the homeowners by a public entity designed. I find it very annoying, because everyone knows that the water supplied to the public is not necessary to reverse systems osmosis water filter at home. The step was carried out in the appendix.

What do you doneed is to sub-micron filtration for parasite (cysts) to remove resistant to chemical disinfectants. What you need is coal granular chemicals and a multimedia product to block adsorption to remove remove chemical disinfection.

Reverse osmosis treatment is often recommended to reduce the lead, but the system only reduces the heavy metal for the "Federal Republic of action level." It is not good enough. An ion exchange removes more than 99% of all traces of lead andProtects you from chronic health problems that causes the consumer.

Inexpensive devices, all these steps are available. You only need to check the performance of the product data for the costs and eliminate pollution before buying. It is not necessary to reverse the systems water filter osmosis and I would recommend that the possibility to choose another.

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