Good & Ugly Facts About Reverse osmosis systems, water treatment filter

Reverse osmosis water filter is a method of treatment for water. It removes dissolved minerals, bacteria, impurities or harmful chlorine though a membrane, water is forced through them, and is usually installed under the kitchen sink or near the water home. This treatment can enjoy pure water and improves water. This system has more than 40 years ago, which was developed to remove minerals from therephotography and printing industries.

Unfortunately, reverse osmosis has several disadvantages. The main function of the water treatment forces across the membrane of the minerals to eliminate the bad guys, but at the same time, it also eliminates the good minerals as trace elements such as sodium, calcium or potassium is good for our health. This would also change the pH and develops from alkaline to acid due to higher levels of hydrogen. Since waterare in heavy use in our daily lives consumed, it is dangerous to drink the acid water as our system is the body is too weak so that a perfect situation for diseases in our bodies develop, for example, develop cancer.

Elements that are lighter than water can not be filtered by reverse osmosis water treatment to pesticides, which are lighter than water could travel pass the filter system. Also, since the treatment usedIt pushes the water through the membrane, water is a waste of very high because for every gallon of clean nearly four gallons of water used makes it so very hostile environment. The method is also a long time, as every gallon of clean water may take up to 3 to 4 hours after treatment with reverse osmosis and what the water bill to a high increase in costs due to additional waste water.

Since the reverse osmosis water filtering systems are often installedfor cooking purposes only would the advantages (or not) are not sufficient, because we come in contact, raw water from other sources such as showers or pool our other home.

This article is not suggesting that the reverse osmosis water filter systems is bad, like how the water treatment, it has its advantages and disadvantages. But the bottom line is the reverse osmosis treatment, even if produced in clean water and odorless, buttoo much waste of water, the hostile environment, it eliminates the good minerals and expensive to maintain.

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