Reverse Osmosis - The world's most popular drinking water

Reverse Osmosis

better the process of water purification on the market today is reverse osmosis. This process of water purification in the early 1950s, pioneering work in response to the increasing incidence of renal disease. RO was designed to replace the filter function of the kidney, and is still on dialysis in hospitals used for this purpose today.

Reverse osmosis uses the properties of aMembrane to prevent the passage of particles through the membrane. Any particle larger than a water molecule is the membrane prevents the passage, while H2O is allowed to flow through the "pure water" side. Because of the incredibly small pores, which passes through the water pre-filtration is necessary to avoid clogging the membrane pores. Pre possible to combine 1, 2 or even 3 prefilter. These pre-filters are combined to create larger particles to remove the chlorine,and even some chemicals and pesticides before the water on the membrane technology for cleaning before it. The number and type of pre-filtration depends on water quality and contaminants, which are determined in water. City of sediment pre-filter consisting of filtration, removal of chlorine and chemical absorbent. The purpose of the pre-filtration is to protect and give a longer life of the expensive part of the membrane system.

Sediment is removed from an initial 20Micron. This filter can be stored in a tight ball spun cotton string-built, or can be a folded filter paper. By the way, this period "." is about 50 microns in size. Therefore, a 20 micron filter to remove any substance that would be half the size of a point as "." Sediment particles could provide also released from the pipes, the water coming into your house, iron, and is now the solution isvisible as the color in your water, or just dirt from the water source where water is drawn from.

granular activated carbon (GAC) is most commonly used filters and the second when the water source is chlorinated, since most municipal water supply. Chlorine destroys the composite RO membrane quickly, chlorine must be removed before the water reaches the RO membrane. GAC filters are simple filters with small grains of coal, which is highly absorbent and can be filledeffectively remove chlorine. If the source water contains no chlorine, GAC filtration is the most replaced with a prefilter of perhaps 10 microns, more effective, although some odor filter GAC filters can act both as tastefully as well as a 10 micron prefilter. It should be noted , however, that as GAC filters do not give '"absolute" filtration results for sediment, water treatment, demand for technologywater treatment should be aware of what is to be achieved. If the target is close to 20 micron filtration by placing a filter to 10 microns, or is the target Ithe taste and odor removal, as the smell of rotten eggs, hydrogen sulfide (H2S)? A GAC filter does not reduce levels of sediment in which the string H2S or bent.

carbon block filters are usually placed as the third pre-filter system RO filter. carbon block filters havethe ability to filter the lower half micron. This is very small. How good are the building blocks of carbon to be effective in the removal of most chemicals and pesticides from the water. The effect of the placement of pre-filter in this arrangement is the increased life expectancy of the RO membrane, and low maintenance pre-filter. The least expensive of the filter, which takes 20 micron, the bulkiest materials. The next filter costGAC takes, the more chlorine and particles of 20 microns, which can not capture, and the most expensive pre-filter, carbon block, it remains just absorb the chemicals.

The membrane is the heart of the system of reverse osmosis. Like water through the membrane, the water pressure is forced by the will, retained impurities from the system and eliminated the discharge of salt water. The membrane is the removal of the top 95% of all impurities, ifsufficient pressure water supply is available. Increased feed water pressure increases the efficiency of the membrane. The minimum water supply pressure 40 psi. If the pressure is not high enough, an electric booster pump, before the system can be adjusted.

After the purified water is passed through the membrane, it is stored in a small shop and waiting to be delivered by a separate tap for the consumer. The tank contains only about 6-8 liters of water at one time. Thissmall tank under the kitchen sink and fit. larger tanks can be ordered and easy to install more water available for consumers to request a moment. It usually takes about 2 hours 8 liters to fill a void. Most RO systems 35-75 gallons (160-340 liters) for 24 hours, depending on the capacity of the membrane, which came with the RO system, and depending on water pressure to deliver. (More pressure = more purified water)

Finally, on some systemsThe water can water run through a final carbon filter installed on the pressure line between the tank of tap water, as the finishing touch for good taste.

The RO units are often critical because it has been established for each liter of purified water, 2-3 liters of saline water, the sewage discharged to clean impurities from the water. This is true. However, this water is not gone! It 's just returned from whence it came, the water table. Nothingadded to the water. I can pick up contaminants as it passes through the ground, is back on the floor.

CONCLUSION: Reverse osmosis is the first choice of consumers around the world who want their families to provide pure drinking water, safe, good tasting for you e.

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