The advantages and disadvantages of reverse osmosis drinking water

The reverse osmosis drinking water provides the most effective purification of drinking water for the home. Although the technology has existed for three minutes rarely four decades ago remain with RO water purifier at home. Despite its many advantages, there are good reasons for this lack of popularity.


The first and biggest advantage is that reverse osmosis filters remove all impurities and Pollutants from your drinking water. RO was invented in the 70's as less expensive to remove the salt from sea water distillation. is used today, largely for the RO desalination, dialysis and recovery of waste. Ro filter systems for the home are as effective as their industrial counterparts.

Unlike filtration systems carbon, then filter that removes all heavy metals (lead, mercury and copper) and nitrites and nitrates in fertilizers. Such as activated carbon filters,> Reverse osmosis can remove the air cleaner pesticides used in agriculture) of sediment chlorine and organic toxins (herbicides, e. These far-reaching effects that, logically, make it the first choice for every family.

This is especially true for families with pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children living in farming communities in or near mining and smelting. A whole house reverse osmosis filter would be able to provide Drinking water at every faucet in the house.


One of the main reasons for the reverse osmosis systems for water purification are rarely their high cost. A typical unit will cost several thousand dollars, a very high price compared to high-end systems, carbon purification, which usually cost hundreds of dollars.

A second important reason is the cost of replacing the filter cartridges. During the reverse osmosis> Filter cartridges last as long as the carbon filter cartridges generally six months), the cost of each cartridge is RO (much higher.

Reverse osmosis is, unfortunately, very inefficient compared with activated carbon filtration. While industrial RO systems have an efficiency of nearly 50%, house RO filter only deliver 5% to 15% efficiency. The remaining 85% to 95% of the water is discarded. This is very expensive in comparison to the GAC and block the pulverized coal Filter, which only slow the flow of waste water, but not really.

While all methods of filtering water pressure require an appropriate, require home reverse osmosis water purification systems to the highest pressure to work properly. to install and operate apartments at low pressure would need additional equipment RO filters. This of course would be much to add costs for both the purchase and maintenance.


Given the drawbacks of> Reverse osmosis filtration, it is good that there are alternatives for those of you still remove heavy metals and nitrites / nitrates from your tap. The carbon filters are good for removing sediment, chlorine and organic chemicals. And they still form the basis for our water treatment. After the tap water passes through the activated carbon, ion exchange resin should have passed to remove the remaining contaminants (heavy metals andFertilizer).

Many high-end filters provide both carbon and ion exchange cartridge cleaning cartridge full of drinking water. While they are cheaper than a reverse osmosis filter, are more expensive than normal carbon filters.

If you live in the city, the demand for a regular supply of bottled drinking water is a feasible plan. This can be especially convenient if your water supply contains a lot of sediment that can reallyreduce the duration of your house or cleaning.


A reverse osmosis drinking water provides the best protection of your drinking water. Unfortunately, making the cost high (including the purchase, installation, maintenance and management) is not feasible for many people. The alternatives are high-end carbon filters with ion exchange or bottled drinking water.

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