The advantages and disadvantages of a reverse osmosis system

The application of a reverse osmosis system that most people are familiar with water purification, for, urban, industrial and medical household. The technology of reverse osmosis is to force a solution to a membrane that filters out large particles and molecules of the solvent (usually water) to pass. The system works to a point, with advantages and disadvantages.

Osmosis is the naturalProcess in which a solution is to achieve a uniform distribution of solutes from the solvent. The movement of molecules through the solution is called osmosis, reverse osmosis membrane is obtained under pressure of the solvent through a pore too small, the solute particles to pass.

First, the clean 'sea water' and later the fresh water filters, reverse osmosis (RO) is reversed now, many have usedProcesses, including fruit juice concentrate and maple syrup, wine production, the penetration of water to ethanol fuel and the provision of a free body wash at car washes. There are counter units to provide drinking water at home, portable units for hikers and also for the army battalions and systems capable of providing enough drinking water for a city.

Existing systems vary in complexity, but are stages or steps in the purification of solvents, most often water. First, it isat least provide a sediment filter for large particles that would otherwise clog pores des membranes after one or two filters preliminary stage, the flow of water through the charcoal filter and is then forced against the membrane. After passing through the membrane, water can pass through charcoal and, finally, can be disinfected by treatment with chlorine or UV light. Systems, only three or fewer than six steps.

AlthoughReverse osmosis filter can remove most of the hyper-polluting chemicals and even nuclear power is not 100% effective against bacteria, especially since there may be losses or membranes are not in question. To be safe with this system at home, begins with the bacteria to filter the treated water system with chlorine and other impurities that may be present.

The costs of purchase and installation can be very high, and the systemrequire regular maintenance. If a whole-house system is used, it is a lot of water to dispose of waste, said the septic systems and increasing water costs. The RO system does not recover more than 30% of the water passing through it and the remaining water is concentrated amounts of pollutants. Another factor that should be taken into consideration is that RO removes healthy minerals and other particles.

There is also the problem of maintaining the system in good. Bestellen Replace the filter and the membrane should be carried out conscientiously in the program and that the system should monitor the possibility of leakage. Regular water testing can help the system to provide clean water.

A reverse osmosis system may have applications in home and land in another, but the complexity of the process must be understood, and the quality of their services Monitored useful.

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