Do not ruin your health through reverse osmosis

E 'ironic how many people are searching for their health through reverse osmosis, because many aspects of these systems are ineffective at best, on and at worst harmful to their health. The opposite is effective in removing some pollutants such as lead, arsenic, and particulate matter. But many biological and chemical contaminants are not removed by these devices. In addition, plants remove osmosis home health promoting mineralswater.

Reverse osmosis works by pumping water through a semipermeable membrane. Under normal circumstances, the water flows through a membrane from saline under a saline solution. This process is called osmosis. But when the salt water under much more pressure than the water flows from high to low salinity, increasing the volume of low salt content. Here's how the process works. The membrane allows water through but not largerMolecules such as salt and many other chemicals. And 'one of the most popular means of desalination of sea water and the creation of water for industrial uses, but is not particularly suitable for the production of drinking water. If reverse osmosis systems home process to bring it into the house, they offer consumers a way to avoid negative effects on their health.

As you can imagine, the membrane is one of the most vulnerable of this system.In contrast to an activated carbon filter in the filter is changed regularly, the membrane is replaced. When the membrane is not cleaned regularly and thoroughly, it can be a breeding ground for microorganisms. Algae can also grow on the membrane, resulting in contamination of drinking water. In an industrial environment, the membrane is regularly serviced. In reverse osmosis systems home, cleaning up to homeowners who can not seewhat is important!

Another reason these systems are not optimal for your health, that does not remove chlorine. Chlorine is a highly reactive substance. This is one reason it is used by wastewater treatment plants: it is toxic, but equally to both bacteria and humans! After treatment, some remains of chlorine in water and is delivered to your tap. This is not a residual chlorine removed from these systems, unless they are carbon filter with an auxiliary motor. So if, Filtration, make sure the hot water, make sure that you want to try to buy one with a carbon pre-filter or jump inversion system as a whole and, if only to buy a carbon filter!

Not only reverse osmosis to remove impurities, not for some, it also removes many essential minerals from our drinking water. The fresh water are found all over the world contains minerals. There are of course a source of freshwater on the planetis demineralized! We humans are designed to drink plain water and to meet some of our needs with mineral water. long-term consumption of demineralized water can lead to mineral deficiency and disease. Moreover, the essential minerals are removed by reverse osmosis systems at home very alkaline, acid leaves the water. Regular consumption of acidic water can cause demineralization of bones and teeth, as the body tries to compensate for the acid.

So ifYou try to support your health through water filtration should probably look at the facts and reconsider your strategy! Reverse osmosis systems for the home are not the key to health. There are many other types of home water filtration systems that provide healthy drinking water.

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