Understanding Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems

Reverse osmosis water filter systems were used originally in desalination plants. They did a decent job there. Reverse osmosis treatment was also used in the printing industry. They worked well in that arena, as well. But, when reverse osmosis treatment reached the drinking water platform, there were several problems.

In the last 30 years, the popularity of reverse osmosis water filter systems has reduced considerably. Reverse osmosis treatment alone is simply not that good, especially, when you compare it to other purification systems on the market, today.

The truth is that reverse osmosis water filter systems do what they are supposed to do. They remove minerals. So, the water is good for printing and film making. It's just not good for people. People need trace minerals in their drinking water. It's better for their health and the water taste fresher. No where on the planet will you find naturally occurring de-mineralized water. In fact, in areas where people are the healthiest, the water has naturally balanced trace minerals that include potassium, calcium, sodium and others.

One thing that reverse osmosis treatment does not do, is remove chlorine. Chlorine removal is the reason that most of us need drinking water filters in the first place.

You see, reverse osmosis water filter systems cannot block anything that is lighter than water. A lot of pesticides are lighter than water and thus are left behind by reverse osmosis treatment.

So, if we use the system at home for drinking water, we end up with unhealthy de-mineralized water that is contaminated with chlorine and pesticides. Yuck!

Waste water is another problem with reverse osmosis water filter systems. In today's world, when water is in short supply, reverse osmosis treatment wastes about 4 gallons for every one that is cleaned. A dismal record for sure, especially in these times. From an environmental and global stand-point, we simply cannot afford to use reverse osmosis water filter systems.

Then there is another disadvantage. When you have a demand for filtered water, you cannot count on reverse osmosis treatment. It takes approximately 3 to 4 hours to clean a gallon of water. For most of us, time is another thing that is in short supply these days.

When reverse osmosis water filter systems were first converted to home use, they became an instant hit, as nobody knew about the drawbacks. Reverse osmosis treatment was advertised as the one sure way to purer drinking water. But slowly as people learn the truth, reverse osmosis water filter systems are losing their appeal.

Reverse osmosis treatment is like having a dinosaur navigate the freeways. Reverse osmosis water filter systems use old technology. Manufacturers are trying to take advantage of our need for cleaner water, by touting the products as the most "technologically advanced". Don't buy in to the hype.

There are many great water purifiers on the market today. But, let's leave reverse osmosis water filter systems in the past, where they belong.

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