Does Reverse Osmosis Remove Pharmaceuticals From Water? - Yes Or No

The short answer is "No", reverse osmosis does not remove pharmaceuticals in water supplies. However, a reverse osmosis system is complete with a carbon filter. The next logical question is: "It 's the best filtration system for good, safe, use clean water?" My answer would be back, "No!" In this article we are going to reverse osmosis systems in terms of ease of installation, reliability and looking at cost and the cost ofOperation, all the light in what other problems you may have seen the water.

Before Ease of installation - the average homeowner can install the system?

The answer is "No", and that's why.

RO systems force contaminated water through a filter containing a membrane with tiny pores. These membranes to filter something bigger than a molecule of water.

Pretreatment of water is needed to prevent large particles,clogging this membrane. Activated carbon is used as one component of the pre-filter to remove chlorine and protect the RO membrane from being damaged by any volatile organic chemicals that might break down and destroy the membrane.

Chlorine and most synthetic organic chemicals, including drugs, have molecules smaller than water molecules, so, RO membranes cannot remove them.

The RO systems also must have adequate water pressure to get the water to flow through the filters, so, sometimes, a booster pump is required if the home's water pressure is inadequate.

Even with adequate pressure, these systems are slow producers and will require a storage tank with a diaphragm in order to provide any quantity of filtered water under pressure.

The combination of booster pump (maybe), pre-filter, membrane-filter, and a storage tank with a diaphragm doesn't make for a simple installation, and I think most homeowners will call for help from 'Joe-the-Plumber'.

2. Efficiency - i.e., the ability to operate effectively with little waste of energy, effort or material

As water is forced through this system, contaminants gather on the membrane clogging the filter and not all the water will penetrate the membrane. This requires the system to be back-flushed to remove the contaminants. Both the contaminants and the water that has not been able to penetrate the filter will go out in the waste water.

Most of these systems waste 2 gallons of water, or more, for every gallon filtered.

On that basis, they are not efficient.

3. Reliability

Anytime a plumbing system has multiple connections, pumps, storage tanks, etc, there are multiple chances for failure as well.

Users of RO systems list maintenance issues as their number two complaint.

4. Initial cost and cost of operation

Another common complaint with these systems is the cost.

Most systems have to deal with filter replacement costs, but RO systems' owners also complain about cost of the product, cost of installation, cost of maintenance, and operation costs.

Operation costs are higher for RO system owners because of the cost of the wasted water, and, in some cases, the cost for operating a booster pump.

5. Effectiveness

The number one complaint of RO owners is that the water tastes "flat". That is because these systems remove all the healthy trace minerals that give water its good taste.

That said, when these systems are working, they produce a very good product.

In the opening paragraph I said, "No" to the question about RO systems being the best choice among systems that produce good, safe, drinking water. My vote would be for a simpler, more cost effective and efficient selective filtration system.

These systems are easy to install, simple to use and a lot cheaper. Also, since selective filtration systems leave in the healthy trace minerals, you get a healthier product.

For help deciding whether or not you need a home water filter, read my article entitled, appropriately enough, "How Do You Know If You Need a Home Water Filtration System?"

Now is an excellent time to be getting a water filter, because new technology has led to newer, simpler filters with an unusual twist - they are the best and also the least expensive! See below for details.

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