Dangers of Drinking Reverse Osmosis Water and Why it Matters So Much

What are the dangers of drinking reverse osmosis water? Danger might seem like too harsh a word. But, there are real problems with this kind of disinfection system. The danger to the individual, to the environment, and to the rest of the world is real, profound and disturbing.

Reverse osmosis purification systems were originally created for large scale treatment facilities, mobile army units and the food industry. Over the years, they have attempted to attract homeowners to the virtues of purifying their tap-water.

Some people look for an RO unit, because they have a need to protect themselves from cysts. Cysts are microscopic organisms that cause an illness, similar to food poisoning. While most people can shake it off in a few days or a week, people with poorly functioning immune systems or those that are being treated for cancer could die from the illness.

Reverse osmosis is only one method that is recommended by the EPA for cyst removal. They advise people that the threat of cysts is real and that they may be present in your supply at any time, without warning.

If you continue reading the EPA advisory, you will see that any system that is certified to filter down to one micron or below is suitable for cyst removal. Therefore, you can avoid the dangers of drinking reverse osmosis water and still get effective cyst reduction.

Cysts and lead are a few of the compounds that can be removed by an RO unit. Chemicals, such as chlorine and THMS, are not removed by the porous membranes. It is not possible for the membranes to allow molecules of water through without also allowing the chemicals to pass.

The risk of THM exposure has been studied by scientists from around the world, including those that work for the EPA. Some scientists say that the risk assessment made by the EPA has been greatly underestimated.

One of the dangers of drinking reverse osmosis water has to do with the assumption that it is safe, even though it will still contain THMs. The risk of THM exposure is cancer. The exposure occurs when we drink or shower in waters containing the chemicals; the more exposure, the greater the risk, according to scientists.

From an environmental standpoint, the dangers of drinking reverse osmosis water in the home have to do with the amount of wastewater created by the units. Industrial sized units are able to reduce the amount of wastewater by increasing the amount of pressure. It is not possible to do that with the small units designed for home use.

Thinking globally, the wastewater has an impact on our freshwater resources. The higher concentration of contaminants present in the wastewater means that it cannot be used for other purposes.

A better alternative is to install a system that makes use of carbon to trap chemical contaminants, ion exchange to trap lead particles, and a submicron filter to remove harmful cysts. A system with all of those steps is actually more affordable than home reverse osmosis units.

Those are actually just a few of the dangers of drinking reverse osmosis water. But, it's all that we have time for in this article.

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