Reverse osmosis water purification unit - Save your money for a much more effective

There is simply no doubt, reverse osmosis water purification unit is old news and quickly to the more severe in those days. Discover the facts you need to know how to filter and choose a cheaper and more effective type

So let's clear, usually a lawyer that any filter is better than nothing. When it comes to a reverse osmosis water purification unit, I must say I am more dangerousa thing for two reasons.

First, remove important trace elements like calcium and sodium in the water for good health.

Secondly, they give the illusion that they are cleaning your power if they allow, in fact, many of the harmful toxins through, such as pesticides and drugs.

What I basically leave you with deionized water, as distilled. This is for the paper industry for which they were intended, but not great people. WorldOf Health has found that even trace elements must be left in water for the benefit continued.

The treatment of reverse osmosis water with a porous membrane filter toxins. Unfortunately, today many synthetic pesticides are as small as a molecule of water, and therefore can not be removed.

Now, believe it or not, these systems really aimed at much lower costs than the best alternative. They also need morePlace for the implementation of electricity and waste up to 85% of the water they use.

This is a disaster for your wallet and the environment, especially waste water can not be recycled.

So what is the most effective alternative?

The EPA has recommended that only one of the carbon block filter in place. The best may be physically and chemically toxic substances, including synthetic, you can make the water safe and pure.

Some of them, with a dual system, ionExchange and submicron filtration can remove 99% of the main impurities. Moreover, in these minerals can be essential for better health.

As you can see, the reverse osmosis treatment unit of water is mostly obsolete. Many sellers try to add a carbon filter to make them work better, but the truth is that there is no need to reverse osmosis filter, only the coal!

Visit my website if you want itTo learn more about the systems that I recommend to use and avoid.

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