A reverse osmosis water filters for home?

How does reverse osmosis work? Whole house reverse osmosis is a good idea for cleaner water? We have the real answers to these questions and much more.

For most people in the United States, the biggest problem is with the water of chlorine. If your tap water comes from a wastewater treatment plant, if you pay a water and then chlorine is your biggest problem.

Of course, there are over 2000 different chemicals in our tap water. Each of them couldCause problems. Some companies try to sell all the problems of reverse osmosis as a solution to our house.

But how does reverse osmosis work? Will really protect us from these chemicals? The short answer is no.

In reverse osmosis, water under high pressure through a membrane forced. The membrane traps dirt, mud and debris. Many public facilities use reverse osmosis as a step in water treatment.In rural areas, the water comes from a river or an ocean, where the whole house reverse osmosis be used for cooking water.

For most of us, our tap water is already "qualified" for the kitchen. It is not just safe. One of the big problems is that the waste water treatment to add chlorine to protect the reverse osmosis membrane decomposition.

Chlorine is basically a disinfectant. It 'really just pale. E 'kills living organisms can grow on a reverse osmosis membrane. So, logically, the membrane does not filter chlorine.

If your question is how does reverse osmosis work chemical filter the water, the answer is that it is not. The gaps in the membrane are not simply small enough to trap chemicals such as chlorine. So if someone tries to sell a whole house reverse osmosis system andThe water comes from a wastewater treatment plant, not to buy it.

A whole house reverse osmosis system is a waste of money for most people. And for those who need it, is a waste of water. For each liter of filtered water, you waste about 5 gallons.

Another disadvantage of whole house reverse osmosis system that removes minerals from water. We must trace elements. They are good for our health. Some industriesdemineralized water and one of the reasons the system was originally developed. Was not to have a solution for people clean drinking water taste better designed.

If you want to drink the best water, you want a multi-stage filter contains an activated carbon filter. This is the bottom line. We hope to answer these questions, how does reverse osmosis work.

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