Why Reverse osmosis systems are not ideal for home water treatment

Reverse osmosis water filter can remove some of the harmful impurities from your drinking water. However, many of the smaller toxins are not filtered. On this type of filter is important trace elements like calcium and magnesium, so that the water released from its therapeutic value. Therefore, reverse osmosis filtration is not the way to get water at home.

It 's very important for you to start thinkingabove the water and the many pollutants that reside inside If you believe that the water you drink from the tap or buy bottled out of the shop are sufficiently filtered, think again.

There are over 2,000 carcinogenic pollutants in water from our taps. This is the water we drink, cook and shower is in possession of a filter system for your home the best way to ensure that the water they drink clean and healthy. That said, the struggle with what many consumerstype of system to invest in

There are multi-level units, burners, and cleaning of reverse osmosis plants. Research shows that the multi-stage water filters are ideal, but people still buy RO systems, as they know the disadvantages.

As minerals, water, reverse osmosis strips from its natural environment. Once consumed, the water can cause bad things to happen to our bodies. In particular, the water, missingMineral acid. Therefore, our body minerals from other areas of the body, pulls them to neutralize the teeth and bones of this wealth of acid. The second ruin drinking water is that this excess of acid also increases the risk of cancer. This is due to increasing free radicals when our bodies are not as alkaline as they should be. These free radicals, which leads to cancer.

Alkaline water has the most minerals. Therefore, what should be setin our body.

Make our bodies acidic go beyond pure drinking water in the glass. The shower in contaminated water 2 to 3 times more toxic than drinking a glass of unfiltered water. If the reverse osmosis systems are not able to drink water to remove impurities, we, they will not be able to remove pollutants from the water in our shower. This scared but true makes it very clear how unhealthy filtered water can be usedus.

The phenomenon of reverse osmosis systems began over 40 years, when the water was necessary to companies in sectors such as printing and editing. These two areas were in need of mineral-free water for the type of work they produced. Even if the water will continue to work for these purposes today, is not healthy for human consumption, especially if you are used to it.

hidden under the water pressure on a semipermeableMembrane begins the process of creating reverse osmosis. This membrane has a pore structure very well, the method tends to the refusal of certain contaminants, minerals and most of the water during. This strip the water of inorganic compounds and trace elements, leaving the water that can damage the body over time.

synthetic chemicals are contaminating our water. As mentioned earlier, reverse osmosisSystems to remove contaminants based on molecular size. These synthetic chemicals, the molecules are much smaller than water molecules so that they become impossible to remove by this method.

Find multi-stage water filter that removes the toxins, the maximum amount, while the trace elements in addition, make sure that the data is removed after the performance ratio of all the impurities.

Reverse osmosis filter is not idealfor your family of Heath ... There are much better options.

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