Unfortunately, the reverse osmosis filter systems are zapping the health benefits of water

Until recently it was believed that a reverse osmosis water filter, the water was the best method for cleaning, but recent studies show that the natural minerals and reverse osmosis effectively removes metals occur naturally in water and a positive effect on human health and the health.

So what's the alternative? The most technologically advanced system is the activated carbon filter that removes harmful chemicals, while leavingnatural minerals and metals intact. The chemicals that are removed are organic and synthetic organic pollutants such as pesticides, agricultural runoff and detergents.

These substances are not only carcinogenic, but it's been scientifically proven to be a factor for the development of degenerative diseases of the nervous system. There was a huge increase in time in this type of disease since the dawn of the industrial water filters and reverse osmosis to make anothing to address this problem.

You might think it would be good to remove both the chemicals and minerals and metals, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, these substances are naturally not only in the waters of the earth, but also in the make-up of the body. There is no such thing as demineralized water, except in cases where people have them removed. If all the water contains minerals of the earth and our bodies are 70 per cent of peoplePoints from the same water, so it makes absolutely no sense not to do with the water filter reverse osmosis, removes the very need for that material.

In addition, removing the minerals and metals, the reverse osmosis filter actually take most of what makes the water taste good. Now let's consider this further. The water that is saturated with chlorine, such as that which flows from the tap water tastesmuch like bath water, and drinking is that those who will? On the other hand, the water was all from a reverse osmosis filter water tastes like nothing. But this is not good, because the chemicals that are the most harmful of all tasteless and colorless, as soon as you leave the treatment facility. Carbon filters clean the water from these invisible substances without depriving the taste of mineral water or healthy.

The difference between the activated carbon filterThe filters and reverse osmosis' method of filtration. The reverse osmosis filter removes the particles have a size on the basis of their molecular weight, and mineral and metals are larger than chemicals, minerals and metals remain locked while the flow of chemicals through the law. Activated carbon filter or not chemically bond with organic compounds that are organic and synthetic pesticides, agricultural runoff and industrial and household waste, soso that the transition in your glass.

Another unexpected problem of reverse osmosis filters is that it is very expensive. Due to the nature of the process, each liter of filtered water produced by reverse osmosis, two 3-liter get wasted. The activated carbon filters do not waste water in this way, and thus for active carbon filtration, is not only better, but water to drink more water for us.

The pitcherStyle filtration systems use carbon filters instead of reverse osmosis filters, and are very popular in recent years because they require low initial investment costs. Unfortunately, they are quite expensive in the long run, because the amount of filling, emptying and replacement of the filter are required.

The best filter system based on activated carbon is either that or whole house filter, connected to the tap or filteredThe water directly from the tap. Be careful, these types of systems can continue to use a reverse osmosis filter water, but the cheapest and most effective activated carbon filtration systems are easy to install, easy to maintain, and cost less than ten cents for a liter of water.

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