How and Why a Reverse Osmosis Water Maker Works

A reverse osmosis water maker purifies water based on technology invented in the 1950's. This water filter type is used in many industrial applications. You can now use this same type filter to get pure water in your home. Here's what reverse osmosis can do and how it does it.

These filters can remove the very smallest of substances that pollute your water.

For example, the smallest bacteria particles sometimes can cause severe illness. This will give you an idea of the size of these dangerous bacteria. The thickness of a human hair is 300 times bigger than the width of these bacteria. A reverse osmosis filter gets these particles plus even smaller particles including chemical pollution and toxic metals too.

Here's how it works. The key part is the membrane of the filter. Your water pressure forces water through a spiral shaped filter element. The pollution is stopped by the filter but part of the pure water passes through. The pollution is just stopped and dumped out with the waste water. Little or no pollution actually makes it into the filter element.

Filters last a long time since the pollution doesn't really make it into the filter. That way there's little maintenance and little changing of filters. It's a cheap way to get pure water.

A reverse osmosis filter is a high tech solution to getting the purest water. It gets out even the smallest of pollution particles and it does it at low cost. There are several tricks though to getting the right filter for your home. You need to know how to get the right size for example.

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