Disadvantages of Reverse Osmosis - The Little Dark Secret You Need to Know!

Where does one begin when counting down the disadvantages of reverse osmosis? Let's start with ineffective chemical and bacterial filtration, removal of healthy minerals, excess waste and excessive cost. With all of the negatives to the system people still ask me, "Does reverse osmosis make water safe to drink?" Don't even get me started.

These are the very same systems that the treatment facilities use in order to clean the city's water. They know full well about the disadvantages of reverse osmosis because they must deal with the archaic system every day. These machines have been in use by the facilities for many years, and many of them are old enough to probably warrant replacement.

RO is not designed in such a way that it can be effective in the removal of bacteria and chemical contamination. The filter is set up primarily for the function of de-mineralization which is simply the removal of larger, 'seeable' particles, not to trap liquid or microscopic sized material. Does reverse osmosis make water safe to drink? It doesn't seem to be possible, does it?

Industry utilizes the RO system in order to de-mineralize the water running through the large equipment in order to prevent corrosive build-up. Since there are no chemical or bacterial contaminants to worry about and the amount of waste water is not an important issue the disadvantages of reverse osmosis do not apply here.

If your reason for asking the question does reverse osmosis make water safe to drink has to do with the fact that you've been tossing around the idea of purchasing a home version of the reverse osmosis system, then forget it. What you need to understand is that RO is just one step in a multi stage system. RO can't do the job alone.

If you are in a situation where you live in a remote area away from the main water lines and the only water supply that you have available to draw from is brackish or salty, then by all means purchase an RO system. You would still need a method of disinfection in this case, and once again additional filtering steps would still be necessary.

In homes that have access to the main water supply a home RO system is an unnecessary expense, because the water has already been processed by the treatment center. The disadvantages of reverse osmosis have already been pointed out in the brief section covering the larger facilities, so why would you want a second ineffective system semi-protecting your home?

Back to the initial question does reverse osmosis make water safe to drink? Only with the addition of a good activated granular carbon filter, a multi media block, and a micron filter would it be safe. These three filters will serve to effectively block all of the chemical and bacterial contamination that the original RO screening failed to remove, and in addition they will remove heavy metals from your water. The disadvantages of reverse osmosis simply don't make it worth your time.

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