Why Do I Always Feel Off Balance - Three Causes of Vertigo

Do you often wonder to yourself, "why do I always feel off balance"? If so this can be caused by three main causes typically. Vertigo is the proper technical name for this feeling of being off balance. One of the clear ways to determine if you are in fact a bit off balance or are suffering from Vertigo is how you feel when you are sitting still. If when sitting still you feel as if the room is in motion or you feel as if you are off balance from the rest of the room you may be suffering from more than simply being off balance.

Ear Infections

Ear infections can leave you feeling like you are always off balance. The fluid that accompanies ear infections fills your inner ear and throws your equilibrium off, this can result in Vertigo. Once the ear infection is treated and cleared up your balance issues will clear. In some extreme cases ear infections are a common part of life, and the cause may be something beyond a simple infection. The possibility of getting a fungal infection in the ear is very possible; this type of infection is much harder to get rid of mainly because they are usually not treated correctly. Antibiotics will not get rid of fungal ear infections.

Sinus Infections

You may also experience the 'why do I always feel off balance' syndrome when you have a sinus infection. A sinus infection can cause pressure in your face which can translate into feelings of being off balance.

A sinus infection like an ear infection can come from one of two sources. It can either be a bacterial infection or a fungal infection. Each type needs to be treated very differently.

Vision Problems

Vision is also very important to balance. Corrective lens will help you to not only to see better but to feel better balanced as well. As well brain injuries can't be ruled out as concussions are often a major cause for a feeling of being off balance constantly.

If you still wonder "why I do I always feel off balance" it can mean that you are suffering from an infection and you need to take care of it!

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