Treating Your Body After a Black Mold Attack

If you have ever been exposed to black mold then you already know how dangerous it can be. That nasty little fungus can do some serious damage and make you very sick. Yet there's very little information on treating your body after an attack. So what do you do?

Well, the obvious first step should be to visit your doctor. He or she can then confirm whether or not you have been exposed to the toxic stuff and how badly your symptoms are. Your doctor may then want to put you on a medication depending on the severity of the symptoms.

You may also want to drink plenty of water since it can help flush out any toxins that have entered your system. You should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. This is also a great way to keep your skin looking healthy instead of dull.

If you're not already doing so, you should also consider adding some exercise to your daily schedule. Working out can make you bring up a sweat, which can actually help you get rid of toxins through your skin's pores. But if you're really sick, you should get your doctor's permission before starting an exercise program.

Depending on your exact symptoms there are many supplements that may be able to help. Just remember that natural is better and stick to supplements that aren't loaded with chemicals, which could make your situation even worse. An excellent herb to look for is Echinacea since it can help building up your immune system.

If you're a lover of all things natural, you may find that a detox program is right for you. However, you should consult with your doctor before using any form of detox since it can cause serious health problems for some.

When you've tried everything else, rest may be the best option if nothing else seems to be working. When you're not getting enough sleep your immune system slowly breaks down and you tire easily and become more susceptible to the toxins that are all around us.

Once you can identify your symptoms and can begin treating them however, your body should begin to heal from the black mold attack and become strong once again. Rest easy and stay healthy!

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