If a reverse osmosis system is best suited for home use?

There are several ways to filter water system, a common way for a reverse osmosis water. Reverse osmosis filtration systems is a common filter found in household water. Water filters for the home are great! We talk about this in a moment.

After reading this article, but we understand how important it is that you filter for a home not only water, but the correct way!

Let'sStart talking about why you need a water filter at home, in the first place.

A series of studies of our water supply have been made in recent years. The Environmental Working Group has published a study on municipal water systems in 29 U.S. cities.

A completely shocking what they found was that provide all these cities' water all!-At least one pesticide was in them. Many had two or more!

In addition to pesticides, tap water cancontain a number of things that are harmful to health. It is not unusual for our water to contain traces of prescription drugs.

I'm sure you've read about the rise of resistant bacteria over the past decade or so. Some scientists attribute this increase to take prescription antibiotics we compromise our water systems.

It gets worse!

Most if not all, of the use of chlorine in municipal water supplies to sterilize the water. Why chlorine? Well, one of the most importantReasons is that it is extremely cheap. Chlorine is actually in the water, where it kills almost all organisms, bacteria and viruses that can harm us injected.

Note that I said "almost all".

Some microorganisms are not killed in their sleep by the chlorine. Giardia is an example. Giardia, it can be incredibly bad!

But the real problem is that chlorine is toxic! In fact, it is very toxic! Chlorine gas was used as a weapon of mass destructionWorld War I!

What does all this have to do with a reverse osmosis system at home? Well, a good water filter, reverse osmosis is included, all this stuff is filtered tap water.

If tap water is the problem, you might think, why not just stick to bottled water?

Due to the lack of regulations for bottled water, it is very likely that you drink bottled water is worse for you than your tap water. In addition, mostbottled water came directly from a tap anyway.

Do you really think all those millions of gallons of bottled water in the bottle at the foot of a glacier in pristine reality?

If bottled water is not transported across state lines, there are no federal regulations covering the purity of all!

Bottled water or tap water, is potentially harmful to health.

The bottom line is, make sure you start filtering your water right as it comes fromThe tap water at home!

A reverse osmosis system is a way to do this, but not necessarily the best way.

Reverse osmosis was developed to desalinate sea water. E 'is also used to make pure water for industry and agriculture.

There are some problems with reverse osmosis systems.

It 's very inefficient. For a gallon of pure water, you have three to four gallons of waste that you are using several liters, in otherWords.

also tends to reverse osmosis to filter the real things we need in our water, as the trace elements that are supposed to, and are very beneficial to our health. They also make the water taste better.

There are other systems, the filtration system would be better for you then a reverse osmosis.

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