What does reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis is a separation process used in everything from food, fruit juice concentrate, water filtration and dialysis, which are used to remove pollutants. In this article we will discuss reverse osmosis and osmosis to answer the question, "What is reverse osmosis, the process to follow, such as water filter pollutants of drinking water.

To answer the question "What is > Reverse Osmosis? "We must first look at osmosis.

Suppose you have a container with two rooms separated by a very fine sieve, and pure water on one side of the screen and the salt water on the other side. The screen is so beautiful, the salt molecules can not pass, but the water molecules. If normal osmosis takes place, the concentration of salt water slowly diluted by fresh water.

Conversely> Osmosis is applied to the pressure side to the salty water, forcing the water out, but the salt molecules behind the filter. Since the process is the water going against the usual trend is still in reverse osmosis.

In the case of reverse osmosis water filter screen used is called the semi-permeable membrane. The membrane is about as thin as a sheet of cellophane with pores so small, only the particles of the size of awater molecule, or may not happen.

As the water pushes through, are impurities to be flushed from the system on the left. To speed up the process, you may need to increase the amount of water pressure with the addition of a booster pump, the water line. Even with adequate pressure, however, a significant amount of water is still not pass through the membrane and is lost as waste.

reverse osmosis systems are very slow and producersenough clean water for bathing and laundry facilities, a storage container (with a membrane to keep the pressure) is required.

One advantage of these systems is that they do a good job in cleaning up salt water or hard water, ie water with excess minerals such as calcium, iron, lead, magnesium, sulfate, etc.

The disadvantages are that remove all minerals, trace elements, our body needs, and water, without minerals is slightly sour and stale or flatTasting.

Also, because the cancer seems to thrive in an acid environment, many doctors recommend drinking distilled water. Anyone who has one of these systems may be useful to look at mineral supplements.

Another disadvantage is that they remove contaminants with a molecular weight of the water. If there is chlorine in the water, for example, would not reverse osmosis to remove because its small molecules. All cancerBy-products of chlorine, and many synthetic chemicals, organic and will not be removed.

The EPA recommends that active carbon filter to remove impurities such as, and should be used in any case, the system in combination with a reverse osmosis.

Although water is not chlorine, carbon pre-filter is recommended for a reason, to remove volatile organic chemicals for health and protection of the membrane.

So that's it. A brief explanation of whatReverse osmosis is how it works and what it removes.

The Good: As you have seen, the content systems do wonders for cleaning reverse osmosis water with excessive mineral salt and, when used in combination with a carbon filter, it provides very clean water.

The bad: The process is cumbersome, prone to problems of maintenance is more expensive than other filtering technologies and maintaining a "flat" tasting, some asunhealthy for the long-term consumption.

For information on "Consumer Reports top rated filter system, see my website below.

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